The Law of Least Effort

in #norway7 years ago


Have you wondered why some people seem to work extremely hard and do not get any social or monetary benefits at all, while others seems to get all the rewards, while perhaps they look a little lazy?

The first group are the jesters of the world and the latter are the kings.

It is pure luck? Or is it written in the stars?

If you observe nature at work, you will see that least effort is expended:

Think of a male lion: He is just laying still most of the day, while the females hunt and give him food. Once in a while he have to spend some energy eating or breeding with the females. He is the King of the Pride.

The law of least effort is based on the fact that nature's intelligence functions with effortless ease and abandoned carefreeness. This is the principle of least action, and of no resistance. This is the principle of harmony.

Some people seem to utilise the law unconsciously.
Good for them!

If you are like the majority of people, that stress too much and disobey the law, here is a few tricks you can use:

1. Do not talk to much:

The more you talk, the less important you look.
Think of a Mafia don: He just does some sublime gestures to kill the deal.

2. Calm down:

Try to walk slowly and speak slowly: conserve energy, be in sync with the Universe. Do not hurry!

3. Act on signal not noise: Procrastinate a little.

It you read self help books or blogs it seems that procrastination is the root of all evil. This is not true!
To procrastinate a little i healthy, it makes you act on things of importance.
Of course, you must pay your bills in time, but you do not not need to react promptly to every trivial external event.
If you are reactive to all external events, you will not get results.

4. Increase your circle of influence:

Be proactive on things that matters. Often those are the things we least want to do.
At least 20% of all the action, get 80% of the rewards!

5. Acceptance

Accept situations, circumstances, and events as they occur. I will know that this moment is as it should be, because the whole universe is as it should be. Do not struggle against the whole universe.

All these are self-reinforcing, and you will immediately see that you are seen as more powerful and as an authority figure.

Make a commitment today to follow the path of least resistance!


Follow me:@janusface


Rather than the king, I picture the jester as more closely related to the effortless individual. He comes off as knowing something you don't, just like he who remains calm and collected when people around him are trying to get the situation under control.

Always gets the last laugh.

Hi, In this post I meant a jester in the more classical sense of the word. CP from WP: 'A jester, court jester, or fool, was historically an entertainer during the medieval and Renaissance eras who was a member of the household of a nobleman or a monarch employed to entertain him and his guests.' This is more the 'entertainment' guy, working really hard, but just get ridicule. However, the meaning of the word is also used for a 'trickster' or The Joker. The trickster is a mythological creature, like Loki. He is a very smart and charismatic, bipolar like persona with many faces that plays his own games and make people fall into his clever traps. And they almost always get the last laugh! Tricksters a very interesting personas throughout history: Do you dare to write a post about them:)?

Yes, I did get that :) But that kind of jester is just a bad one. For in the King-Jester dynamic, the "clown" is there to remind his majesty of the sillyness and unseriousness of it all, even though he is addressing a king. If his jokes and tricks are any good, they will have a meaningful touch to them(in addition to the laughter ofc), very much like the sense of meaning one derives from great music or dance. These things are experienced as worthwhile because they don't serve any purpose other than the playing or dancing itself. The king, unless he takes too much pride in his office, may get the hint then, that life and the roles we play are ultimately games. For that is the jester's philosophy. Or the gods', for traditionally the jester is seen as the middleman between us and the divine. For if you really are effortless, then what you're doing should feel like a game. Not mere game, though. Which in other words means you're damn good at it. For the dance is only any good when it is effortless.
Besides all this, I did like your post. I guess you've earned yourself a new follower :) And yes, I want to one day start writing about the figures and figurines within the psyche.

Nice! I have never thought about the king-jester dynamic in this way before:) I love 'mythological' creatures: Especially the trickster figure throughout history and different cultures.

I am newbie still, and I have to admit. I more like when I get followers without much effort, you know, you open steemit and see "oh new follower nice". 😂

I dunno: Looks you have many nice posts!

Thanks, I am trying my best and I am sure it will be better and better. Still learning english, and I have some plans or projects for promoting steemit in Serbia.

Cool: Steem ON!

It is pretty weird.
The same concept is when you try and impress someone. You try your best to be well behaved or to show off a positive persona to a particular person but in reality you could be aggravating them and the disparity between the two people increases.
Great tips and suggestions but regarding the procrastination, a little idleness causes me to be stuck in a loop of nothingness haha

So true:)

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