10 days without meat or fish! Analyzing my "Almost vegan" Steemit experiment!

in #norway7 years ago

Hi all!

It´s been a bit quiet from me the last days. Life´s super busy and I just havent had the time to sit down.

But now I do and it´s time to share some thoughts on my "Almost vegan" experiment.

First off all, I must say thank you to all of you that shared your thoughts and experience with me and that encouraged me.
I truly appreciate it.

One of the main points to this experiment was:

Will the Steemit community be able to help me, a more or less complete stranger to most of you, to accomplish my goals??

To that I must say a definite YES!
The very fact that you actually bothered commenting and sharing actually gave me motivation and helped me reach my goals and stick to my plan.


So, did I manage to stay away from meat and fish since the experiment started?


And right now that feels kind of AWESOME!
This is the first time in my life I´ve been completely without meat or fish over several days and it feels really good.

As I said in the first post I wasnt going to go 100% vegan but would try to do mostly plant based.
I´ve mostly done that for the past 10 days, though with a bit of cheese and an egg.
As for the weeks and months to come I believe for me the best way forward is to go VEGETARIAN.
With the very busy life I lead at the moment and also having to plan food for a family of 5 I basically feel the transition over to VEGAN is a bit too big for me/us right now.

However I´ll still lean in the vegan direction and try to do mostly plant based. Who knows, maybe after some time taking the step all the way doesnt feel so big.


Well, I have given this a lot of thought over the last 10 days.
Going into extremes and being super strict rarely works for me. That´s just me. MODERATION is something I wish to strive for though. That might mean being extreme for a while, but for me to not go totally MEATLOVER again I think I will over time need to and want to have a moderate and modest intake of meat and fish.

In the cases that I do choose to eat meat though, I will strive to eat meat and fish that is not a part of the crazy industry.

I might for example eat some self caught trout. Or some bacon from a free-range organic local farm.

Also, in some cases I will eat what is offered to me when I´m invited somewhere and there is not a good vegetarian/vegan alternative.

I my opinion right now, this is the best way for me going forward to reach my goal of eating MOSTLY plant based and as little as possible animal based.

All right!
That´s it for my little Steemit experiment.
Thank you so much for following and I will probably do a post about this every now and then!
So check in!

Peace, Peter


It is the best choice you would ever make turning vegan. For me it has been 2 years now and would not go back to meat. Thanks for sharing and good luck :)

Thanks a lot!! :)

You are welcome! Enjoy :)

I'm starting down the same road as you know, 2 days in now!

I would like to go vegan but eggs are the one thing I think I'll miss. Also wondering a little about protein and not over-doing the carbs...

Good luck and keep it up! Ash

Hi Ash, I'd be happy to help you out with your transition to veganism :) what are you worried about regarding protein? There are many plant sources of protein and some cheap and healthy vegan protein powders that I use regularly. Also, what is it about eggs that you'll miss?


Hi, thanks for the words of encouragement!

So yeah, I was just wondering how to regularly take on board 100 or so grams. It was easy to eat a big steak or chicken and get to this target. Same for the egg (whites), and they will be missed with regards to cakes, and quiches.

Suitable Protein powder would be good, I've just thrown my 'old' keg away!


For protein I eat lots of dehulled ground hemp seeds (in smoothies, porridge, cake, anything) which are about 30% protein by weight, lots of tofu, vegan protein bars and vegan protein powder (I usually use soya protein or hemp protein, rice protein and pea protein is also fine), and lots of oats.

Regarding the eggs, it's usually just for a binding ingredient that they're used for in baking, and you can make binding substitutes using ground flaxseed and water, and I've also heard of a binding recipe using bananas but haven't tried it (the flaxseed binding works great).

Can I ask what it was that made you decide to go vegan?

Thanks! I've made some notes and will be checking for info here of course :)

Well, it was the documentary i mentioned my recent blog. It's what i needed to push me over the line, quite hard hitting, propaganda style stuff. I've always been conscious of 'health', but never had the message put to me that clearly before.

I have tried bananas for binding. Works ok but of course not the same binding qualities as eggs.

The flaxseed alternative is just as good as eggs for baking and cooking thankfully!

cool. Will have to try that.

Thanks! And to you as well!
Will check in on your blog to see the progress :)

Well done with your experiment, I'm just wondering have you considered the ethical implications of continuing to consume dairy and eggs? These industries are arguably as cruel and unnecessary as the meat and fish industry.


Yeah, I´ve considered that. And still considering I guess.
If I do eggs and dairy I´ll try to do from free range at least.

But it´s definitely a process for me and who knows where I end up :)

I really think this is the best way out for you mate! Go on slowly and with time you'll reach the goal!
Afterall this change will surely make you feel a lot better in your body! And with more time you will get more used to the change and it will be normal!
Keep it going mate!

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