Compromised REUTERS and Justice Hydra the Complacent

in #north4 years ago (edited)

I have not had television since 2001. North American television reared and educated me in many ways, till it lied to me. At the very least, it omitted truth (REUTERS).

Since then I have read the newspaper, entertaining myself with regular evidences of manipulative bias. Perversions of unbiased presentation, unfair ideological debate.

I suppose we can always follow the justice's lead in hearing the statements of those who enacted "justice" and "law". Neglect entirely, facilitating speedy resolution without fair defense of truth if there had been, "I cannot help, I am doing my job".

There are many untried crimes, abuses of power and people that remain unquestioned, paid for and celebrated.

Canada, is now unfortunately among the guilty for following the zealot anti-terrorist lead.

I do not agree with terrorism, nor with people being lied to consistently. I NEED to know what I am supporting to have a healthy conscience.

2001 - REUTERS - left in NEED ..of knowledge by those responsible for it's dutiful and just dissemination.

North America still imposes sanctions on commerce that becomes ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY in the context of peace.

When we shut the door to others we often incriminate, hardening our own perceptions in horrific ways.

WE need the news media for more important things.

..and people still wonder why the majority are walking about acting like the mentally unstable Howard Hughes.

Living with liars causes duress and disease... fortunately the problem soon ends, they tend die of taking what they want. An idiot trap, for liars and those who cheated.

Now, how to save the individual from the employment of the other? ..I spend much of my time with this question.

..apparently, in some cases North Americans are charged the cost of detriment which has taken resource and productivity from all.

With only two books as a primer for a commity on the advancement of ethics ..I would suggest a compilation of Greek philosophy (logic) along with the recorded contemplations of the Dalai Lama (compassion).

In the name of Joseph Montferrand ..some misinterpreted a doctor's handwriting to conveniently assign me a hard drug addiction on record. They are going pay so many times over... .. because all are incapable of honesty and independent thought. I keep handing-back the corrections others are paid to ignore.

Obese for being counterproductive, I could eat them with a fork ..honesty does not pay. Neglecting one's conscience everyday of the week, easy money for those not willing to sacrifice the time and effort to produce something or help the individuals in the community. Go ahead, terrorize people and starve them if you still think it helps.

The garbage that takes the money will eventually be remembered for it. :|

The same document that was used to doctor/falsify the record will also show that the doctor wrote CANNABIS dependence and not cocaine, an unearned title which a specific employee decided I should have. Those are the people who mind justice for us? ..I did offer the information to correct the record yet many times I was thwarted by the same response "..I cannot help you, it is not my job" ..the Nuremberg defense again.

I can still recall the last party I attended while under the influence of illicit substances was 2006 at a beach party. Since that year I have had to recover from a skull fracture. During that time I assisted elders in the community who needed help while I needed work/tasks that accommodated the schedule of daily cranial fevers, on occasion I experienced seizures. I did not realize I was having seizures in an apartment by myself. Till having to assist others through seizure, I thought I had been occasionally losing consciousness. I began ingesting cannabis after eight years of recovery ..had I known.

The root, day one of the law enforcement career requires that one put away their honour and conscience to do that which many intended to prevent. When an officer or justice can perform their duty without causing further detriment, WE have healthy officers that are happy to work and live.

If you are going to lie cheat and piss me off every day of my life ..I have a shovel, bring your gun and do me the favour of not being your "job" anymore.

A heart for armour, faith for insurance, the truth deduced from the neglect of others.

I am going to explain to us why we have so many developments in Canada at this time... it will not be as scientific as some hope, though will refer to psyche and logic. It has EVERYTHING to do with this mess.

Canada exists on the surface of this solar satellite between Russia (modernized "socialism") and the United States of America, representative of "financial independence" (capitalism). I believe many new technologies are able to see the light of day where our meek, skinny and sickly are not left without basic necessities. I was fortunate to have been injured as a Canadian, the problem is that I was told by the ER nurse on duty there was nothing more she could do and that I should leave. In this case the report of the individual on duty reflected her own best interest. I went ALL of those years without having my skull fracture treated, since 2006. I participated in several types of cranial analyses ..till I noticed answering my own questions was more efficient we need universally available healthcare in North America? ..yes, as long as there is still need for a mission to Mars (earthly catastrophe prevention) and many developments post confirmation of the source and dynamic producing gravity. Justices here decided a police report concerning the incident as being insufficient proof of injury for disability payments to be made ..another bad justice story.

Yes, there is a lump of bone on the skull where the fracture healed, everywhere I go people see it ..the Quebec justice sees nothing. Worse, I had to deduce for doctors the presence of fused bone on the inside of my cranium causing me eyesight problems during intense fevers. I SOLVED THIS MYSELF.

After surviving that, I have "last resort" social assistance.

..I can recover but when does the extra duress stop, I was already used to "meeting" five and six at a time as a loner who would not hide an English school accent in a French Canadian park. This an old repetitive story, whether young or older.

I do not move, marauding bands of young assholes from both extremes of the law, came through and left their "duty". I live here.

The tallest building had three stories, sorry, no market for the fuss that was made about "crime prevention" expenses in our community (YES the ill and addicted live here also, WE are responsible for a fellow human ..not the dumpster). Mostly it made the already disadvantaged and desperate more willing to cause themselves trouble.

Do you know what I am paid? ..daily tears of joy.

I actually do not hate anyone, except while experiencing particularly expressive "digestion" of life's situations which can be more difficult to emotionally detach from. Developing presentation with acceptance, this might look alright with the stitching turned inward. I feel bad for soiling the reputation of others in the process.

I have important solutions to achieve and development, yet I am having to accept and smile about ..all of it.

DENNIS!! ..the flowers, I still cannot have any. Instead, tomatoes, cilantro and various chili peppers which have not yet confirmed their germination.

I earned the title of Microsoft Certified Professional at sixteen. Had I not been short the three hundred american dollars for the last two exams, I would have earned the Systems Engineer certification. I paid for the exams myself, when out of funds one could help. I was applying for employment alongside the middle-aged, a hair would not grow on my face for another ten years.

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