China Suddenly Concerned about North Korea’s Test Site Imploding Spreading Fall Out Over Their Territory.

in #north-korea7 years ago (edited)

Chinese scientists are worried the test site used by North Korea for its nuclear ambitions is probably going to collapse releasing all the radiation to be blown in the wind around the continent.

My Life in the Korean/China fall out zone.

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea or DPRK has been using the same hole in the mountain for all their nuclear tests which is most liking causing a huge cavern of radiated melted rock and stone which will eventually implode, collapsing in on its self. When that happens it will open the gates to the world and all that radiation will be released to atmosphere which will without a doubt effect the 100’s of millions of people in China in the North Eastern parts of the country like Beijing and Dalian will suffer radiation type problems. Seoul in South Korea and Russia to the north will also feel the brunt of it along their borders.

Chinese scientists have used seismic readings from station all along the border and from around the Korean peninsula and have decided that the last explosion was by far more powerful then all previous ones. Without the knowledge of how the NK built the test site, as they also are not allowed in so they say, it’s not for certain how soon or how many more tests it can withstand but they are in agreement it can’t go on much longer. It’s been dubbed ”Taking Off The Roof” by Wang Naiyan, the former chairman of the China Nuclear Society and senior researcher on China’s nuclear weapons program.

They went on to state there are two ways a test site could be built and that not all mountains are suitable for testing nukes. DPRK terrain offers very few hilltops suitable thus forcing them to max out the use of the one they are currently using.

According to Wang Naiyan,
“If the bombs were planted at the bottom of vertically drilled tunnels, the explosion would do less damage,” he said.
But vertical tunnels were difficult and expensive to build, and it was not easy to lay cables and sensors to collect data from the explosion, he said. Much easier was to bore a horizontal tunnel into the heart of the mountain, but this increased the risk of blowing off the top, he said.”

It’s rather disturbing to live here knowing that at any moment the Top could Come Off and I would be stranded in the fall out zone. I am not really in a position where I could make a break for it without at least a few days notice. All transportation in the region would halted, flights, marine and land due to the risk of spreading the contamination globally.

These guys would still be driving around though.

So let’s say I make a dash anyways. I’m by the coast, I know how to sail and there might be a boat I could steal. (Worst case scenario). Where would I go? This part of the sea is one of the most heavily militarized in the world. The China/Yellow Sea, and Dalian for that matter, has war ships everywhere. I don’t think I’d make it out. If I did sneak past through the fates of the god’s which friendly country is willing to take nuclear radiated refugees on to the their shores? Hmm… I like, the 100’s of other millions of people would be screwed.

So, the fact that this mountain could collapse is a pretty damn good reason for China to thwart DPRK drive to being a nuclear power house. It’s no longer a choice of keeping them as a buffer zone since that buffer zone is now a radioactive time bomb waiting to blow. Let’s not think about an enemies of both China and DPRK actually targeting the test site in an effort to release the radiation in one of those unforeseeable instances in which they feel it was the best way to win a war.

Incredibly unlikely but if it can be thought of by me it has been thought by some smarter Intel guys working in a military somewhere in the world. And if it’s been thought of, it’s been planned for.

That’s Me From the Front Lines.

My commentary on this article.

Sources other than free source images.


These are pretty scary times my friend.. stay safe !

Stay safe @solarguy ...blessings

Thank you. I do what I can. The war wasn't a concern it would probably never happen but this really worries me.

This horrifies me as a human, why do such people encourage war so much. North Korea is a definitive threat to almost each and every nation. We have to find out a way to dethrone stupid rulers and bring justice to people of North Korea. I'd do a detailed study about North Korea and write about it in upcoming day or two, starting off world war history. Followed you for future interesting articles, Please consider following back and upvoting if you find my articles worth reading :) Peace.

Thanks for the feed back. I agree this whole nuke threat from the North is getting a bit out of hand. I am not sure what the world would be like if the North K was suddenly brought into the global spectrum. I mean, they have very different views of the world because most of them only know what their leader wants them to know. Which if the reports are even a little accurate I expect their citizens to go through some serious culture shock and disbelief at what they learn about the world. They would probably feel betrayed and skeptical of anything they hear ever again.

I will follow you back, glad to meet you. ^^ Can't wait for your post, do link it here when ready.

There are some things that you can do to help protect yourself from fallout; it doesn't need a massive pile of lead bricks or anything. The first line of defense is staying indoors until the next rainstorm washes most of the dust away. You should also make sure that you have a paper dust mask and a full rain suit to wear in case you need to go outside before it is fully cleaned up.

Just keep the dust out of your mouth and lungs; that is the number one priority. Second is keeping it off of your skin.

Those are good tips thank you. ^^

You didn't say where you are, but I suppose you are in China.

You should plan your escape route in case of emergency. Where will you head to? What form of transportation will you take to get out, and to get to where you are going? The best way out is probably not by ship, it is by airplane. Plan for that, and also plan a second way out by train. Cars will probably be stuck on the highway in heavy traffic as millions of persons try to escape.

Also, think of water and food that you will take with you. Have it ready and packed. Perhaps you can get "astronaut food" lyophilized eggs, and strawberries? If you can't find them in China now, you can buy these through Amazon, start buying now, you might receive it in a month or sooner, and they will last for many many years.

Also, have iodine tablets which help to prevent radiation from damaging your thyroid glands, and also vitamins and minerals.

Best luck to you, and I hope it never happens.

I upvoted your post. This is very important for others to read.

Thank you for those tips. I have considered several options but a foreigner in China moving around isn't easy even when things are fine. lol I have some food to last a while anyways just in case but i will need some iodine tabs soon, shouldn't be too hard to get.
And I am in Dalian China, I did mention Dalian at least once and the first photo of this post is a map pointing where I am. ^^ Though I did not outright write i was in Dalian. But yep that's where I am. There's quite a few North Koreans here to my surprise I had even taught one before.

Sounds to me like the Norks have outlived their usefulness to China.

North Korea had free pass with China so long as what they do doesn't effect them. Well those days are over in more than one.

I seem to recall an old saying regarding gored and oxen.

Stay safe @solarguy ...blessings

Haha, so now China wakes up. Countries like China and Pakistan are the ones which made North Korea able to develop all this nuclear technology. It is believed the famous nuclear scientist of Pakistan, Abdul Qadeer Khan, sold the nuclear technique to North Korea and well, China always stands besides the North Korea. Now, North Korea has become so much self sufficient that it will continue it's nuclear programme, even if the worst happens. Bad days for China, I guess.

Ive heard that NK got help from those guys. Think im gonna have to move.

Please do this the right way and superimpose your face over the invisible rays guy. come on man, you're better than this. plus you don't have much time left.

Haha. Next time promise.

Thank you for sharing
Hoping no more war ever

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