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RE: Bullcrapping

It seems to get confusing for so many as they seem to be unable to stop conflating Steem from Steemit from those with mega stake. I tried explaining it just yesterday to someone I hold in high regard and have not the energy yet to respond to their counter yet, as it appears I would largely be repeating myself. This person (among many I encounter) believe there are criminal actions taking place, and in this case believe that all high stake holders will be criminally liable for not stopping the actions of a large whale here known for smacking down accounts.

It seems lost on so many that each stakeholder is their own entity, capable by the structure itself of interacting on this privately owned front end as they see fit. At times this grows more exasperating when the person misunderstanding the idea of the private corporation from the chain itself is one who normally advocates for decentralization, yet it appears lost on them their calls for action is begging for the very centralization they normally oppose.

As for Sunlit, she is a troll who pretends she is some kind of expert researcher/blogger. She talks shit just about everywhere she goes, making the wildest accusations with no proof. She did it to me again recently on a post update I did, and peeking at her account saw she is still going strong with her asinine insults and assertions elsewhere. Just last year she was accusing me of being a sock puppet account of CanadianCoconut. She claims to be a respected blogger, yet the majority of her work here has been copying and pasting some other womans blog. I feel bad for the woman whose blog she does this too as some might assume this woman (the real blogger) endorses the vile ignorance she spews forth daily on the chain.

Most chains one profits by pump and dump or hodl. Here, you get profits by those methods PLUS stake growth to offset inflation AND rewards. But then, to take advantage of those perks to their full extent, one would either need to invest out of pocket or author pieces that are appreciated by others who invested. No one here is owed shit, if they don't like it I agree. No one is forcing anyone to log on, and there are other chains to hodl, or hell, create their own.


dont worry bud i know you are no ones sock puppet lol
hope all is well and good to see one of your comments

Heck yeah, this place sucks so much, the people are so.. what's that word... Detestable, yeah, that these fucks can't stop coming here.

I sense anger issues...

O really, it's an anger issue to not put up with slander, attacks and trolling while you seemingly cannot stop "interacting" in a place you don't think much of among people who you detest. It's not a matter of not tolerating your trolling, it's 'anger issues'. Why are you here, clearly you are trolling and you don't give a fuck. You can claim that you'll "put it to rest", the only thing is that I don't want you to quit your trolling, especially if you truly think what you're doing is not trolling but offering valid or valuable criticism, as long as you think it's valid I'll root for your vomited slander from now to the end of time.

Give em hell, these communist authoritarian idiots just don't recognize the genius of 'my posts are worth hundreds of dollars worth of steem but this place is rigged".

Still trolling hard, but don't let that stop you from claiming you are attacked. the world see's steems attacks - on it's own users....

Because steem is an entity. Reduced to participate in a conversation you vowed to not be part of simply to say that you have been attacked by steem, in response to ridicule aimed at your claims that you were attacked which is incidentally from a response to a blatant troll attempt.

You are such a two faced liar, it was actually you calling the place a dump awhile back and saying you were powering down because of it. I am a high reputation blogger, over 30,000 comments in five years with over 29,000 upvotes on the Disqus platform. I've been a moderator on the Disqus platform for Headline News, Breaking news, Metaphysical Science, UN News, among others and my own site and currently serve as moderator to two off shoot sites from Disqus. Please pull up that comment of me accusing you of being a sock puppet of CC, it's impossible as the two personalities don't mesh. I may have had some harsh words for you over there acting like a psychologist to a bunch of drug addicted parents who lost their kids. That's called an opinion, it's just that, accepting everyone has an opinion is what you and baah's problem is. It's been a problem on this site for a long, long time....expecting people to just go along and agree to everything that is said and be happy they get granted a few cents. That's called selling yourself out if you agree to something you normally wouldn't find yourself agreeing to. What you problem is you don't like open debate. You saw the guy one way and after looking at the research available I and someone else saw it differently. The difference between him and I was I called you out on a nice way and you decided to retaliate. I told you Oath Keepers went there to verify the guys claims. They'd loved to verify his claims so they could have used it as an argument against the harm(s) illegal immigration causes. Even Alex Jones wouldn't back him. Yet this homeless man with hardly any money knows way more than all these people with resources to check out the validity of his claim, they used the best investigators on the case and debunked what he was putting out. That's all fine and dandy you want to believe the man but what you fail to realized is that it's all fine and dandy I chime in my own personal opinion. Until a whole lot of people get with it on here and realize a social media platform is for people to interact whether they agree or not and stop retaliating because you don't see eye to eye on the issues it's going to be incredibly hard for the site to foster and grow.

looks like you and practical thought have issues lol
sorry that you guys are having problems
hope alls well
you two are way more civilized compared to when me and beanie were exchanging words lmao

It's all good, practical thought and I get along like changing weather patterns, sometimes cold while other times warm.

i really like practical thought level headed and not afraid to speak his mind and has read some really good books that i have read long ago
wish he would keep posting but he gave up on posting and just comments and upvotes
at least he is still here keeping touch and supporting people here as you are and we are all trying to do
great idea but lots of problems still
i think its getting better all the time
have a great evening and at least you two are civil to each other unlike the people i had problems with here lol

I can usually get along with what other people consider the worst of the worst. I got along with the most hated person on the Disqus platform, everyone hated him (he was infamous on the platform throughout all the sites) but he and I got along just fine. Maybe that was due to late one night on a site we had time to engage as there wasn't much activity that particular night but mutual respect must have grown out of that. I granted him the room to say what he wanted to say without condemning him for his views on a hot button topic that he found so easily inflamed others and I guess that earned some respect. He has a right to say what he wants to say, I don't have to agree with it but I don't have to condemn him for saying what he wants. When I went to cosmetology school they use to give me what they considered "the hardest clients to get along with" after I broke what they described as the impenetrable Mrs. Barrette, she hated everybody....we went on to become good friends, she stopped going there when I opened my shop and came there instead. After her husband became unable to drive I took her to grocery shop and run errands all the time. When I'd pick her and her husband up to take him to the doctor I always took the time to take and drive them around so they could take a trip back down memory lane or see how things had changed. To me she was adorable, she never held back her true feelings on things. She passed away last year.

sorry to hear about mrs barrette
there is only two people i dont get along with here and i dont care to ever get along with them at that
they are the biggest pieces of garbage ive seen on a social website although this is the only one im on so there might be worse than those two pieces of garbage and i know you and everyone here that knows me knows who i am talking about
cheers and thanks for the reply

One of them posted today, going to focus in a different least for now, never know what the future holds. Hopefully though that will spring into some fun post....I know it's hard for you to believe but he can lead a crowd into some pretty good comedy.

I was sitting here thinking about her for a moment, it was simply a matter of recreating the salt bond in her hair to hold a perm before giving her a perm...that came not from sitting around twirling circles in my chair as many did on their downtime but hitting the books in the library. Something so simple as a bit of epsom salt and conditioner mixed.

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