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RE: Bullcrapping

in #nopicturepostbooohoo5 years ago

K troll, you entered into a conversation saying that if I don't think this place is centralized it has something to do with my ability to comprehend,

That may be so but only someone with some serious comprehension issues would think this is actually a decentralized platform.

And even though such blatant ad hominem needn't even be acknowledged I gave you the opportunity to make your case, and you came back with two blog links that had absolutely nothing to do with your insipid nonsense. Then, you linked me a post to @edicted where he made numerous remarks that this place is Decentralized (dlt) and referred to it's Decentralization by comparing it with other such places, and you came back after I laughed at your asinine idiocy and then you tried to say that because "no decentralized apps exist" that this place is centralized, which is another strawman / non sequitur and ultimately nonsense /bullshit. You twisted the definition of decentralized to mean "equal distribution" of control, and accused me of twisting definitions while consequently you tried to deny the fact of defining decentralization as "equal distribution". You don't want to have a sensible discussion, you want to attack my character while making wild claims, you want me to find the overwhelming proof of centralization and instead of being a decent person and not burdening me with your own onus of proof, you think it reasonable to suggest so repeatedly, after I ridiculed your first audacious request to have me dig up the base of your wild claims.

Fuck off troll.


"and then you tried to say that because "no decentralized apps exist" that this place is centralized,"

Guess I was right about that compression issue as these are edicted words and not mine.

you want to attack my character while making wild claims

Nothing I've said about you even comes close to the amount of insults and character assassination you've tried to play down on me the last few days.

Fuck off troll.

I think this will be the third time I've told you I am done with this who is the troll here?

edicted is a smart guy
dont worry too much sunlit
baah sounds like he is very educated and thats why he is like he is
the more educated someone is nowadays the more chances they are a complete whackjob
have you been to college lately lmao
dont let him bother you

Intelligence is only part of it, temperament plays a big role. From the many times I've seem him on here going on for days with people over something he reminds of this programmer I use to work with back in the day. He'd leave work and go sit in the bar until it closed then come into work reeking of the stale alcohol from the night before, hung over and hard to deal with. He'd say his demeanor was due to the fact his old lady wouldn't have sex with him anymore. If I had an old man who come home reeking like alcohol every night sex wouldn't be happening either, if he didn't have the sense to shower, use some mouthwash and brush his teeth it'd be guaranteed not to happen.

Guess I was right about that compression issue as these are edicted words and not mine.

Lmao good one, you linked me to his post where he pretty much praises Steem, talks about how decentralized it is and how much he believes in it.

Nothing I've said about you even comes close to the amount of insults and character assassination you've tried to play down on me the last few days.

"if you truly think it's decentralized you must be suffering from serious comprehension issues" suddenly does not mean anything because I called you a troll, a fucktard and a fuckface.

looks like she is getting under your sking more than you got under mine huh baaaaahw
good article but your still the troll in my eyes you would come as the third prick after the other two imbeciles on here

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