The Reality of Ice Cream

in #nonfiction5 years ago (edited)

The year was 1972.
Telephones were attached to a wall in your house.
Microwaves were not invented for the public consumer yet.
Televisions were found in the family room, if you had one.
Music came from a radio or a vinyl record.
One form of punishment to a child was being made to stay inside.
Surgery was done in a Hospital. Most surgeries called for a minimum of two nights spent in the Hospital.

I loved the outdoors. I hated being inside. I hated shoes. I would have lived in the forest behind my parent's house as a child and been very happy.

As a small child until fourth grade, I would get tonsillitis at least two times a year, if not more. Over the years tonsillitis came to visit more frequently.

An inflammation of the two oval-shaped pads of tissue at the back of the throat. Tonsillitis is usually caused by a viral infection but can be from a bacterial infection.
Symptoms include sore throat, difficulty swallowing, and tender lymph nodes.
Treatment can range from home-care remedies to surgical removal.

Whenever someone would bring up having my tonsils surgically removed it was always followed by the statement, "You get to eat as much ice cream as you want!"

I am here to set the record straight on the ice cream subterfuge. Yes, it deserves that big of a word!

You can eat as much ice cream as you want after having your tonsils out. You will try one spoonful of it and start to cry. It is so freaking painful to eat ice cream after surgery it's not even funny.

The only thing that will soothe your cut up and stitched throat is a Popsicle. A plane Jane Popsicle.

Popsicle's it was. A Lot of Popsicle's. The bad part was they only had cherry ones.

A huge Hospital only carried one flavor of Popsicle.


Three days of cherry Popsicles to be exact. Looking back, I now wonder if this is why I hate cherry flavored anything?

The crowning glory of this story is when the Doctor came in to check if I was healed enough to go home I got yelled at for eating RED Popsicles.

Yup, with my red tongue and throat the Doctor had no idea how well I was healing. I went home that evening to more Popsicle's.

This post was for today's Day 734: 5 Minute Freewrite

Never ask someone to do something you are not willing to do!

Day two @Inthenow! 😹

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oh no!! I do remember how much it hurt too. But to get yelled at by the Dr for something giving to you by the nurses.

I know LOLL

I still have the feeling of ?? why am I being yelled at??

but those were the times. Never an adults fault LOLL

I never had my ginormous ones taken out, despite suggestions from both parents and doctors. I don't like being cut LOL

@alliedforces curate

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Keep up the great work!
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I don't either but I could not swallow most of the time......

Hmm, yes it is! :D And I'm done already fyi. As for tonsils, still have mine. And yes, being outside was the shit, inside you did something wrong. And your parents would prefer you straighten up and fly right.. outside. Ha! Yes I do remember the finer things in life back then too, today's kids are spoiled! :D

Outside was so great :D

If you could not be seen you didn't have to work LOLLL

You're definitely a natural at this freewriting lark!

Thank You!! and Thank you for stopping to read!!

Aww... I so hear you there... I had my Palatine tonsils? taken out as a 10 year old.
I was sooo afraid to be cut in surgery and tried to get myself out of it.... Ohh I feel so much better now.... Tried to eat 🙈 nope... So swullen it got stuck in my throat almost choaking me m
So I heard that to.... You get ice cream after and you can eat as much as You like.
Well Thank you.... Only as a young kid I could only eat pocicles as other ice creams made me throw up... Guess I was allergic as a kid.
They like... Ok no more ice cream for you after only one spoon 😭 I felt soo cheated... Until someone gave me a pocicle 😋🍭 <--pretend
And that was like balm in my throat... Lol

You had quite an experience there my friend 😘 glad you lived to tell after all that cherry flavor.
What doesn't kill you make you stronger right? 😜 Lol
Have a wonderful evening. Much love 🤗🌹❤️💋

And that was like balm in my throat.

Best feeling ever~~


LOL! 'tis true! It was popsicles for me as well. I think they were a permanent fixture in my mouth for quite some time.

it was the only thing that stopped the hurting LOLL

what a life :D

I love this! I love the old houses with wall phones, the absence of the microwave, and our vinyls and cassettes still high-tech stuff that made us more advanced than our grandparents. And this: "punishment" to be kept indoors! Today's kids never seem to voluntarily go outside and get close to nature. They have more bee phobias (and spider) than I've ever seen in one generation. What happened to them?? Why are they so afraid of dirt, bugs, weeds, and nature?

I love your emphasis on the LIE about ice cream after a tonsillectomy. You write splendidly. Just to write competently will set you apart, these days, but you are more than competent. Good to see you back again!!!

Please don't tell me you've been writing all along and I just didn't see it until now

I will not tell you LOLL

I think it is very sad kids now don't know the freedom of Outside. You learned so much.

Thank You for your great comment and for stopping by!!

You're welcome. I've limited myself to reading things with the #freewrite tag and have missed out on so many other writers - like you! - and now I have to check on @byn as well. I need to visit the @curie showcase more often. And #theluvbug. So many people to read!

You definitely made me smile,


You just made me VERY happy!

My tonsils were removed when I was only 18 months old, so I don't remember a thing about it. That is probably fortunate!

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