Adults ruined Halloween

in #nonfiction5 years ago (edited)

I was born in 1964. You do the math. Trick or treat night was just that. There were no secret rituals that our parents made us do. There were no underlying evil things we were asked to participate in.

Halloween was a day you could become your favorite superstar. Did you look up to Army guys? You could use your parent's old fatigues and be just like them for a night.

My neighborhood was filled with rich and poor families. What your costume was made out of was never an issue. If all else failed an old sheet was always seen in use. Respect for the costume your parents made you wear, was always there.

We knew who gave out great candy. Which neighbor not to bother knocking on their door. Though I will say, each year I stopped at the old guy's house hoping he would not give apples again that year. He always did but one can always hope!!

My big brother and I.

When we were too little to go out in the neighborhood alone my Dad would be the one to take us trick or treating. To be honest, I am not sure who had more fun. I think the Dad's of the neighborhood ended up pretty buzzed from free shots.

Halloween, in my little part of the USA, was a time for all the neighbors to get out and play. Adults had fun watching the kids having fun. They also knew they would be getting part of our candy too!

I also remember when the first razor blade was found in an apple on Halloween night. It was the start of the end of all the fun. I feel sorry for the kids now. They do not know the joy of waiting until it became dark enough to wander the neighborhood smiling and laughing.

Adults really know how to ruin cool things from the past. Life is sad that way sometimes.

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Was there really a first razor blade? I always thought that was an urban legend.

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I found a couple of sewing needles and a few of the pins that you tack clothes that need to be hemmed with in a few apples my kids brought home when they were younger. The worst thing I found in one apple was some sort of powder, that I never identified, but I didn't let my kids have the apples that those nasty surprises came with.

Thankfully my kids survived their childhoods and are adults with their own lives now. :D Good luck to all the kids out there now. :D

God bless you and your wonderful family. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

Yes indeed, adults have indeed ruined a lot of wonderful things we enjoyed as kids and it's sad, I feel bad for kids nowadays. :D

No, it was all over TV. The photos and the family that found it.

I am even older than you are, and remember when trick-or-treating was a safe thing to do. But we lived out of town, so we rarely got to go. I remember my mom driving me to the nearest small town exactly once, and taking me to two or three houses where she knew the people. I'm not sure why she was so cautious 'way back then.

She loved you :D


really hated going to town LOLL

I was lucky and it was a 14 house subdivision so you really knew everyone.

We adults can ruin everything!

I take my kids out, too, and like to see how many beer from the neighbours I can get. :) I think my record was 5. I was feeling pretty good later that night.

I remember one year with my-now-17-year-old-son in particular (non beer related). He was so incredibly excited to be out but wasn't as fast as the other kids, so he and I hung back and just went at his speed. He wanted to eat the candy while still trick or treating, of course. I remember telling him very explicitly that he was not allowed to eat any until we got home.

I was momentarily distracted by a mom with her kids and by the time I got to looking back at my son he had a sucker in his mouth. "Joshua, I thought I told you to wait before eating any." He didn't miss a beat. "I'm not eating it, I'm tasting it."

Yeah, I let him have that one.

Yeah, I let him have that one.

You have to after that answer LOLL and it WAS Halloween LOLL

Great story!! thank YOU for telling it!

@snook I wish we could go back to those days, I wonder why the world went wrong, what changed?

I REALLY wish I knew :(

Adults suck! I remember those razor blades so nasty!

yeah, I remember thinking.WHY? who would even think of that? scary world

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Razorblade? Eeek, I don't remember anything like that happening here. We used to knock on doors chanting 'Help the Halloween party.' No one ever heard of trick or treat until the arrival of American sitcoms on cable in the late 70s.

yeah, we always said "trick or Treat" but never tricked anyone LOLL

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Thank You!!

I think I got it right today :D

I will say, if not for adults, most kids wouldn't go trick or treating, so by that right - despite some fuknut tricking people a little hard - we have carried on the fun. I've been trick or treating every year since I was 3. No lie, mostly now it's with my own kids, but I did it right up until I had them too!

You are one of a kind!!

and Yes, I too had to make a costume for Alex. The first year I was going to sew it and be the perfect Mom. Well, the EASY, SO freaking EASY pattern I bought with the words EASY on it was NOT easy.

I had to take everything over to Mom's and have her finish it.....well make it..........

so yes, I know not all adults are bad, grumpy old guys and women LOLLL

I would say it's over reactive adults and SJW culture that ruins everything. The razor blade was one story and there are always bad actors. People now have some weird aversion to costumes because some appropriation or outrage. 85 percent of us look and laugh but that 15 percent over react and because they are loud people just listen to shut them up.
As adults we need to stop. Don't like a costume? Don't buy it! Scare about what your kids get? Check it! Don't ruin happiness because of your faults.
This is the same as when someone does something terrible to scare people from going to malls or festivals. Don't let these people win lets keep the joy in life. In my career I have dealt with many TERRIBLE people and the only way they are scary is if you let them be. We have the power not them and this is no exception. Sorry for the rant but let's remember fun and get back to it.

Great costumes by the way and trust me I still remember Halloween fun as I may be from a different generation but we still did it the old school way growing up. Thanks for sharing!!

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I totally agree with you!!

Just use common sense. But when my kids' school had dress up as your career day instead of a Halloween party I was like ??????????????? REALLY?

Yes, the few, the loud, the crabby get their way a lot.

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