The Pope is Not a Man of God ! His Hands Serve Satan and are Covered in Blood !

in #nomorefakenews6 years ago (edited)

The Vatican protected by the Swiss Pharonic Templar Knights or "Swiss Guard" are the centre of the uppermost Evil in this world! While they pretend to serve God, its infact quite the reverse as they serve since the Crusades ending at Accron in 1291 Satan and the Dark wishes of his kind !

The Jesuits, the Ninth Circle of Satan are one and the same ! They defile our holy sites in their basements with child torture and sacrafice ! Their crimes are trully beyond most peoples imagination and most do not not beleive that this Evil is real and existant !

Well this post I hope will prove to those that take the time to read it that its as real as you and me and very much alive ! Its power is supreme and controls all of our governments and of course all of our financial institutions ! Enslaving Humanity without its knowledge to the Agenda of Darkness and Death !

BREAKING: Pope Francis To Perform Child Sacrifice On June 21st

David Zublick Channel
Published on 29 Apr 2018

Pope Francis will perform a mass child sacrifice on June 21st in Geneva, Switzerland with the victims being supplied by an international child exploitation ring funded by the global elite, enforced by the mafia and organized by an office at the Vatican. David Zublick unseals the horrible truth in this special report!


The image above is the Organ pipes of the Basilica Notre Dame, Geneva where the video above suggests that this ritual sacrafice of a child will occur ! Do you see the Nazi Templar Freemasonic Templar symbolgy hidden within?? You can see it again in this car built under Hitlers Nazi Regime !! Coincidence ? I think not really !


The Scary TRUTH About The Catholic Church (Roman Catholic Jesuit Pope Exposed Full Documentary)

Pope Francis - God was Destroyed and is a Failure!

Do you see Pope Francis make the VW sign again here for the tilte photo of this video ?? Do you still think this man serves God ??

On Point Preparedness
Published on 2 Jan 2016

1st time it was Jesus Failed at the cross
2nd time it was that the cross is a "scandal"
3rd time God was "destroyed" and ultimately is a failure in and of himself.

Here is some more incredible information for those that want to dig deeper into this subject !


Your thoughts and reactions to my post, as ever much appreciated in the comment section below !




Throughout history the Catholic Church has hidden many things from us, and at other times they have invented things that were not true in order to take care of their interests. We have read the Bible and we have believed in certain things that have been transmitted to us in the church, movies or by our own parents. Some "absolute truths" that teach us in this religion have always been questioned. It has always been said that Jesus told Peter to build a church in his name, we now know that it is a mistranslation. His words only mentioned that there was no need for a temple to serve God. Church is the village and not a local.So we do not need to follow churches that lie to us or people of flesh and blood like us, who sin even more than we do. It is enough to talk with God through prayers, have a pure heart, act well and be faithful.

Hello there my little @mjzo ! Fantastic this comment, so true everything you say ! The Church is not necessary to be close to God, but a pure heart and personal prayers is ! Indeed I have not been to a church for worship of God since i was say 10 when I told my mother I did not like Sunday school and I no longer wanted to attend the "lessons " they gave ! Why indeed does the Catholic church feed their congregation with bread and wine or the flesh and blood of the Christ to its congregation that happily swallows this offering ? Seems pretty unholy to me !!

Exactly, I believe that God sees the heart of each one of us, and that he always listens to us when we talk to him, I believe that we are good Christians when we helping others, by not harming anyone, by doing good without looking to whom , being noble ... I do not believe that a God of love sends us to hell just for not going to church.

Yes truly @mjzo ! People who are pure in heart and actions have no need for a place to worship God as they do it wherever they stand or be and in every moment and step ! God has no need of publicly designated area or places of worship, just the governments that take themselves to be God ! Why do " Holy men" still wear crosses and rings made from gold stolen from the deasd bodies left behind the cannon wheels of Christian conquest of South America under Columbus and those that followed ?? God has no need of anything more than your ttrue belief in his existance and word and love for us all ! Anything elkse is just onjects of control and manipulation of men who seek to enslave us as they did the Aztecs and Mayans !

Pope Francis. He is a really good person.When he is came on our country.I saw him. His talk and movement is awesome.More than 200,000 people went to see him.

The pope love the poorman, but he is the most rich man of the world and don't use the money to help the poorman....

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