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RE: #finishthestory--Week 41: ADF

in #noir6 years ago

To steal @dirge's thunder: The fudges, they must be tasty to be licked that much.

To stop stealing @dirge's thunder: I feel the resentment against the policja detective and I fully agree that these characters are to be hated (no good detectives under Capitalism). Of course that resentment hides in the form of comedic meta-moderny (I refuse to call it meta-modernist as that doesn't feel meta enough) retelling of ex-detective life and how they still feel privileged to receive the dignity they want for the stuff they did in the service of the Bourgeois Social Order. Although I understand that yer thing to avoid the same nanny crew that runs #antinsfw gang here, I feel this also contingently remarks on self-imposed censorship as to appease some innocent third party (the Other, but obfuscated in the image of a "clean Steemit"). Which of course they have their economic reasons to do so, but let's not bother in the comments. Otherwise, requiescet in pace warm pizza and cold beer cans.



Not gonna lie, I kind of wanted some pizza and beer after writing this one.

I debated the use of euphemisms in his speech for a while. I didn't hesitate to include profanity in his internal monologue. I'm sure Lacan would have a word or two to say about that choice.

Indeed Lacan would very much so, very much so. Anyways, I await yer comment on my story!~

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