Few Predictable Node.js Features to Be Seen By 2020

With the escalating popularity of JavaScript, more and more startups are adapting to this technology. Among many latest innovations, one of the cutting-edge entries is that of Node.JS. It is an open-source JavaScript runtime environment helpful in performing faster server-side applications. There are numerous versions of JS but Node.js version 10 is a fresh release among the competitors.

It is expected that Node.js will have surplus capabilities after the release of version 10. Here is a list of expectation that will turn into reality soon.

Improved Analytical Abilities - Node.js is an easy building platform for production applications like Linus, OS X, and windows. Due to increasing use of such apps, it is expected to achieve more enhanced abilities for the easy accessibility of apps.

Advanced ECMAScript 6 Modules - Although Node.js has its own module system, there is a planning to get the support of standardized ECMAScript 6 Modules. It offers browser-compatibility of different mobile applications.

Use of JS Promises - One of the biggest issues in the modern applications is lack of consistency. The addition of JavaScript promises is helpful to deliver stability in the web applications. It is an ideal addition for the developers who usually work on such apps.

Better Automation Infrastructure - There will be an addition to simplified automation infrastructure that includes advanced tools and scripts. It is also expected that the new operating system will be used in the place of older OS.

Success For Third-Party Modules - In order to ensure maintained dependencies of third-party modules, there is a continued progress in security and functional testing.

These major changes and additions in Node.js will help in improving and developing effective web applications. If you are looking for a platform to enhance your coding skills, visit CodeFights. It is an effective platform for computer coding practice that prepares you for technical interviews as well.

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