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RE: For The Life Of Me

in #nocomfortzone6 years ago

Nice to watch your video, and read your post, now I can put a face to the voice I hear LOL. I also see that you were dressed in the dreaded plaid suits too as a child... me too! I hate looking at those pictures of myself. LMAO Parents back in the day had no taste in clothes.

We are the same age, and roughly the same build. The best thing I ever did as far as losing weight, was quit driving and started walking. I walk around my town every day, for just about everything I need, and I lost 60 pounds in about 15 months. If I can hit 240 I will be a happy camper. Any lower than that I look sickly.

I wish you success on your journey of getting healthier. :-)


That's awesome @inthenow It's a huge commitment to read this post so if people only have time for the video that's cool too. I kind of set it up that way in case people only have 5 minutes for the vid or 15 to read the blog LOL. Yah, good Lord, oh the clothes. I had bell bottoms I could have hidden 10 dogs under lol

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