in #nobidbot6 years ago (edited)

images (10).jpeg
Image source: https://www.google.com.ng/search?q=images+of+betrayal&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi-vP6Q5-LaAhVDblAKHUjGAMsQ_AUICCgB&biw=320&bih=452#imgrc=v46IGagdjwsRgM%3A

I saw us as humans
We shared and fought like Romans
I gave my cherished beat to them; Eves
But they all broke it claiming they ate the fruit that deceives

We came on board as monopolies
Very different in ideologies
But we delivered a truce
We could only, together, extract more juice

Along the strive, we needed a leader
And as humans our choices differed
We told lies to pull others in
We did all the convincing by professing

For this, some won and some mourned
I deemed it normal we go back to our great "borne"
I was true to it
They showed to have cooled the heat

But for dollars and hate they kissed my bag
They took my safety with joys of shag
They went about wearing fake smiles
They hoped I, once again, go out to cleanse Jerusalem's dirty miles

They pretend to be saints
But unknowingly show the scrambled brother of the word all over them; STAINS
Their deeds no more hide
Their seeds have grown ripe

Soon they'll meet their harvest
And the dollars might be their end's crest.

Poem curled from my facebook timeline @Princewill_isikong

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