So what!

in #no5 years ago

Not really sure what to do here anymore... People have moved, but some still lingers or posts double... I am powering down... maybe I can buy some Bitcoins or give it away to something like - It is like being all alone in the world. I can shitpost! I can post 10 times a day! I can invent a scam! But who cares...

So what?


I am posting double and I am powering down on Steemit.

I will follow your example then.

I am double posting (well, rather doublevoting, as I do not post any more...) and powering down HIVE. I don't see anything backing up HIVE, its value seems to be based on hot air. Not that STEEM is much better, but it's got some years of effort, content creation and investment on its back -- that's my gut feeling.
Keep up the good shitposts :)
EDIT: I am trying to powerdown HIVE, but it seems my keys are not working
properly, or I am doing something wrong. Does anyone know how I can UNdelegate STEEM & HIVE?
EDIT2: OK, I managed to take back my delegations! But I still can't power down HIVE...

I couldn't get anything to work on Hive before I logged in to the steempeak equivalent peakd, maybe you can go that way.

As for where to go I have just moved with the crowd of people that I am interested in... I was wondering what you would do as you are one of the people I have appreciated most, but as you saty here I am again torn... I am waiting to see what the damn tax authorities are doing here in Denmark... I was so stupid to actually ask them and then they have made up shit and charged me more than I have earned! Truth is that it will probably in the end be solved - the people who should have taken the decision on how to tax pushed it downwards in the system until it ended on the desk of some petty and morally corrupt little shit. But until I have a real answer from the high lords I am just treating Steem, Hive and Bitcoin as toys and this place as a social media with interesting people.

Maybe I should double post and just keep doing that so I can keep the connection with all of you?!

I am disgusted by all the steem/hive drama on both sides, and I want to take no part in this shit. All this controversy is worse than immature high-school children fighting; worse, because everyone invokes freedom-of-speech, decentralization, etc and every action taken is to the opposite.

I never saw these sites as a money-making source, just a toy as you said. I am moving my HIVE back here, but I think I will keep double-voting (-posting, even sometimes). Maybe steem will be a better place with all the circle-jerking guys gone away. We will see.

So, whatever you choose, I will be seeing your posts :)

Interesting to read this, as not being swayed by users I love moving to Hive to make me stop and think of other aspects of it. Basically by going to Hive you are now giving up your Steem keys to log into their blockchain (a fork of Steem?), except your keys must go through clear web sites from teams of people I do not know enough about and things are happening way too quickly to make an informed decision. So no hate on Hive, but so far it reminds me how there was a big push to use PAL tokens or something over Steem. Like there is just a lot of stuff that goes on that continues to use the Steem blockchain, but gives the impression that it is trying to get everyone off Steem. Not sure why new blockchains are not created for these events. A lot of users I truly enjoy checking their posts are still here, and there are a lot that are jumping ship and have done so already. If overtime they never come back maybe it will be time to jump ship, also would love to have more information on Justin or whomever it was from Tron that bought and seemed to aggravate a lot of users and why that occurred. In no rush, not into Steemit because the value of the coin, enjoyed seeing this post and reading these comments that shows things are not as cut and dry as some dire seeming posts I read.

There is definitely that trust issue you mention about keys, but, for me, there is not much at stake, so I said "wtf, let's try it and see how it goes". When I thought about it a bit more, I realized that the best course was to grasp that extra value given by HIVE and use it quickly before it vanishes.

The main reason I think HIVE is just hot air, is that it materialized from nothing; it exploits all the work & investment made for STEEM, doubling all the tokens held by STEEM users in one rushed move. Where does all that doubling value come from? I haven't got an crypto-economics degree, just my gut-feeling telling me that there is nothing to back this up.

As a matter of fact, I just saw that the value of HIVE was halved in 7 days, more or less. For me, it was expected.

I will say this: Neither Steem, nor Hive has anything to back the value expect maybe a community. I am not that much into making money from this anymore, at least not until the Danish tax-pigs can tell me what to do with it. So I am mostly here to post art. I guess Justin Sun will put some money into keeping the value of Steem up, so that is a good thing if you want to sell. But who knows what the future will bring. Maybe Akasha will be better?

Jeps. It was always rather pathetic to see all the bitchy drama a place like this can evolve into. Now it simply broke in two and everybody found reason to be a jerk. I have had a lot of fun with people I never met, and as Billie Holiday Sings:

To paraphrase Lord Tennyson:

Arseholes to right of them,
Arseholes to left of them,
Arseholes in front of them
Volleyed and thundered;


Lord Katharsisdrill

I'll go with the circle jerkers and you'll go with the monolith
No matter what we will both be sure to stand nose deep in shit!

... edit ... OK, that was one lousy rhyme...

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