911 Was An Inside Job - Irrefutable Proof

in #nineeleven7 years ago (edited)

9/11 has been covered by mainstream and the alternative media. The mainstream sticks to the impossible claim that planes were able to collapse two of the strongest buildings in the world. The alternative media also usually gets the story wrong, they think bombs or thermite was placed in the building beforehand. The only detailed scientific study by a qualified scientist concludes that an energy weapon was used to destroy the towers. Looking closely at radar and video evidence it shows that real planes were not used in the operation. A false flag attack which changed the world and gave the green light for America (and Britain) to carry out illegal invasions of foreign states.


The Great American Psy Opera is a must watch as well. It explains near-perfectly how the hoax was done.

Yet to this day a vast majority of people believe in the fairy tale of planes crashing into the towers, the pentagon, and the field in Pennsylvania.

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