Nature Versus Man: A Partly Poetical Rant About Society (Nihilistic Rainbow entry)



What freedom do we have?

When we compare ourselves to animals, not very far. We are supposed to be intelligent, yet we create prisons for ourselves, whether they be mental, physical or spiritual. We are anything but free, yet we all yearn to be free.

Animals are free (well the wild ones anyway).

I wrote this poem (apart from being inspired to enter the Nihilistic Rainbow Poetry Competition) because as humans we think we are clever, so I researched some animals with superpowers and they impressed me more than anything I have read about humans recently.

One day we'd better watch out, as if we go backward and animals go forward, well that could make for an interesting earth. I wonder what animal would reign supreme because at the rate we are going it certainly won't be humans, I wonder if dolphins will learn to walk and laugh at all the domesticated cats and dogs that don't have to think for themselves.

Humans are domesticated, they let other people make decisions for them AKA governments and society.


Nature Versus Man

A dung beetle has the superpower of strength
A flea jumps 200 times its own body length.
Pit vipers see the world in infrared
No place to hide, you are dead!
And asea cucumber can liquify its body
Shapeshift through holes, not too shoddy!

Humans build self-imposed cages
Then complain about depression and wages
Lose their brains to other peoples' laws
Stuck constantly in life's menopause.

Under the sea, right down beneath
Lives a mollusk that makes its own teeth
And swim the salmon in tune with earth's magnetic
That takes them home to pass on the genetic
Like bees who see the flower's electricity
To determine the pollens authenticity

Humans stuck in tiny confined rooms
Choking on the city fumes
Longing for the great outdoors
Dreaming about distant shores

Animals continually evolve
Live, fight and solve
Humans are stuck in a rut
Their brains are shut
Caged in the four walls
They have lost their balls!

(Some haven't, the revolution is coming)


I sincerely hope there will be a merry band of folks one day that shows that the biggest prison is in the mind and all it takes is one decision to choose the life that you want to live, not one imposed on you by the world.

There is hope, there are still keys to the cages.


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Sadly true. I was made aware of my cage just recently. I have crypto to thank . As a kid I was free. I remember this now. So sad that I forgot how it is to dream. As a kid I dreamed a big dream but life shut the door, always. I learned to be helpless. My beliefs stopped me from trying. But not knowing that with the world changing the possibilities will change. I would believe that the world was 1+1=2, always and forever. But the world is X. So always keep refreshing your beliefs because the world is 1+X=Y.

Very nice entry!

There are still keys to the cages.

You can lead a mind to the key, but they must put it into the lock and turn it themselves!

a person from the age when he realizes that he is beginning to be exposed to public opinion. That is, some people dictate to a person what he should do and what not to do. Over time, a person develops a course and habit of doing a certain action. Which turns into a zone of the form. Exit from the comfort zone is unpleasant and therefore a person tries to stay in it. I would call it a psychological prison.
Excellent poem with meaning, you have every chance to win in the course

Wow, Amzing content, this very intersting poem thanks.

So many are just existing. They have forgotten what it meant for them to be alive. The dreams and adventure of youth fades with the passage of years and soon we stuck like rats running after money, children, health etc. It is indeed sad. We can be more. Great write up

Beautiful poem!
And you hit the point.
In many ways we are similar to animals.

We should use the privilege of the freedom we can have instead making our own prisons..

This is my first time reading your work in the poetry section, Oh well, I haven't stayed here long enough. That was beautiful, the first stanza got me thinking. Am sure gonna Google out this features you put about those animals. The comparison you made is awesome. Human crave for freedom but freedom comes with the price of chaos.

when you write a poem it stays the best one forever :)

wow that was a great poem you narrated it exceptionally well

I enjoyed reading this poem a me it sounded sweet...a beautifully written poem indeed... I like the description and the imagery..The rhymes and vocabulary you used were great! They really gave me a good image in my head of what was happening and how you felt about it. keep up the good work...and hope to read more.

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