Night time photography

in #nighttime6 years ago

I took this picture on my way home tonight. When I get home from work I don’t always have parking, so I park on the streets not too far away and walk this way home.


I stopped for a minute and took more pictures 9609AD59-CB99-464D-9209-17095439E2CE.jpeg


What do you think?
That’s it for tonight, goodnight 🌙😴💤 .


really you pic up very perfect shots photography of tonight.this night view city looks to very pretty and capture this tonight photo very properly and carefully.its just amazing for your photo pic up skills causes....great picture dear..goodnight and sweet dreams..@leggy23

I think I hope be success for every work

Goodnight, sweet dream friend @leggy23

Have a great day

A wonderful and upscale photograph of a beautiful tree

Have nice dream @leggy23

A very lovely evening

It was pretty cold.

The street is silent. So this is where you have ro walk daily before entering your house. Have a good night rest. Sweet dreams

Have a great day.

What do you think?

I think it is a safe residential area.

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