Night in Paradise 2020 ‧ DramasteemCreated with Sketch.

in #night-paradise2 years ago

Night In Paradise (2020)
Award :- 6 Nominations Genre
:- Crime / Drama / Action
Runtime :- 2 Hours 11 Minutes
IMDB :- 6.7/10 (6,718 Votes)
Google Rating :- 76% Liked.
Rotten Tomatoes :- 70% Fresh


The purpose of the two murders started a new path for two people! Having lost their loved ones, they once again dream of living.

You must have seen something extraordinary in the ordinary? The story is very simple! But the director has produced extraordinary art in this ordinary.

Along with action in gangster film, there was thrill, there was true emotion. Hope this movie will touch you a cool feeling.

Mild spoilers (can read)

We never want to lose loved ones! We can never accept their departure. But if I am the cause of the death of that dear person, then maybe the whole life will go by blaming myself. For some reason, Tae-gu lost his loved one.

Tae-gu tries to kill Bukseng's chairman Doh, who is ten times more powerful than him, in revenge and to satisfy his anger. From here the main problem!

Tae-gu can't even imagine what will happen to him in the future? In the meantime, love starts peeking in the mind of a humorless person ❤

Especially the climax at the end?
I never wanted a beautiful story to end like this! Especially J-Yu's serious performance will impress you. The characters of the movie are very sad. BGM movie was absolutely beautiful!

BGM helped to enjoy the emotions of the story beautifully. The only negative aspect is that the runtime of the movie could have been reduced a little more. However, this beautiful crime drama movie from the Korean industry will give you chills.


낙원의 밤(2020)
수상:-6 후보 장르
실행 시간:-2 시간 11 분
영화 이름:-6.7/10(6,718 투표)
구글 평가:-76%가 좋아했다.
썩은 토마토:-70%신선한

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