in #nigeria6 years ago


The head

The head is that part of the human body that contain the "brain" - for reasoning; "eyes" - for sight and direction ; "ears" - for instruction; "mouth with tongue inside" - for declaration; "nose" - for breathing, as well as other essentials of the body.

Simply put, without the head, there is no being.

During an interview sessions for a school where I was privileged to be a panelist, the applicants were asked to do a little arithmetic and to put up an outline for a simple "note of lesson" on their choice topic. After 30 minutes, nothing tangible was obtained. They were kicked out from the lucrative job. Their offense was simple. They simply had nothing to offer the innocent pupils.


  • Very many times, we clamour for high positions in the workplace, social gathering, church, society, etc (probably because of related advanced remuneration), yet with no preparation at all to face the responsibilities .
  • Today, we have many leaders who never followed others, thus, they see their position as an inheritance rather than an opportunity for service.
  • Today, many people have tasted power when they never learnt character (self control and contentment), they end up becoming tyrants such that things had priority over people.

  • Today, many are the graduates that cannot simply put-up a simple application letter (I've seen many and I shed tears).

  • Many call themselves professionals, yet are ashamed of their tools because they can't use them.

These 5 cases above and many more (You can add them in the comment box) are examples of those who want their hands empowered, yet, their heads are not.

The scripture in Genesis 38: 27-30 pictured a drama of twin boys who struggled for superiority in their mother's womb: Zerah and Pharez. Zerah sought for position and forgot that coming out with the hand first won't guarantee his smooth passage out of her mother's womb. The spectators celebrated his "brainless feat" and tied a rope on it. Pharez who knew the "head power" came forth and truly became the firstborn. He was named - THE POWER TO BREAK FORTH.

Indeed, the power to break forth, power for relevance, power for greatness is in the HEAD. Let the knowledge in your head precede your certificate.

Note these:

Money in your hand without an investment idea is like fetching water with a basket; you won't reach your destination.

Cheating to be promoted to the next class is like a baby being born in 6 months, it may stay in the incubator for more than 3 months if at all there is life in it.

How many times did you opened your new gadget from its packet and were too busy to read its manual because you thought its like the last one you had? You think inventors are living in their past? No! they are upgrading daily and are making more improvements on their products. Ask windows, software developers and the likes.

Sadly, many people have bought liabilities with their debut instead of assets and lived regretting afterwards.

My Experience

Let me close with this story with my experience. In 2014, I made my first US$ 1,000. That was the biggest money I ever handled before then. I was very new to business and did not have mentors. In my confused and ignorant state, I made an investment into a get-rich-quick-scheme which encouraged me to be lazy and non-creative. In just five (5) months, everything was gone: my capital and the expected profit. Yes, that's my personal story. MY HEAD WAS NOT EMPOWERED IN BUSINESS, THERE IS NO WAY I COULD INVEST WELL AND HANDLE MONEY WELL. Though my experience was painful, God helped me to learn my lessons. I have been "seated upon". I have learnt and today, I am a success.

These are Ways to Get Empowered on the Head:

Empower your head before your hand. That is why steemit rewards "brain value"

Steemit rewards creativity, and creativity starts from the head.

I am your success coach - Follow me @uyobong



Amazing write up. We have leaders who don't truly lead. I think we need a revolution and change in mindset. Great post. Thanks for sharing @uyobong

I appreciate your comment @emma01. "we need a revolution and change in mindset". Let the revolution start with us. Lets rise and EMPOWER HEADS. Thanks for comming around

Resteemed. Many posts. Check please my blog

Appreciated @red-rose. Will work with you.

Sorry for late reply and some delay i was in hospita

This is an amazing read. I read every word. Thank you for sharing.

We should never stop learning, reading and developing our mind because it is our greatest assets and if we don't do this we would be left behind. We are in the age of information, what you know is very important.

Thank you.

Thank you @catherinedouglas for the endorse. Yo can also resteem to have a wider reach. We collaborate in steemit. Thank you.

Thanks for this post, empowering the head... You said it all

I appreciate your gesture. You are already a partner in the HEAD EMPOWERMENT CAMPAIGN IN AFRICA (HECA) that is to begin. Lets follow each other to be at our best.

Thank you i have followed back

@uyobong lovely write up, I just bookmarked this to come back and savour it. I love the information embedded in. Kudos

I appreciate your encouraging words @antigenx. Together we'll ensure a mental shift to lead them to success when we EMPOWER THEIR HEADS. Lets follow each other to gain more. Thank you.

This is a very good post @uyobong.

YOu have said nothing but the truth here. We must keep empowering our heads otherwise we will go blank.

Thank for the reminder once again

Thank you @tolusedove for finding the post educating

The head is that part of the human body that contain the "brain" - for reasoning; "eyes" - for sight and direction ; "ears" - for instruction; "mouth with tongue inside" - for declaration; "nose" - for breathing, as well as other essentials of the body. attractive post

Thank you @aliamuskan for coming around.

Thank you. Check my block @uyobong for other inspiring messages. We need nobody's permission to succeed. Its all within us. Thanks for coming around @princluv

Wonderful post here. This is very thoughtful of you @uyobong

Thank you. Soar your world @evegrace. Go for knowledge, you will succeed.

I was marveled reading this, your Concepts are amazing

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