Morning Sun For Health

in #nigeria6 years ago

Basking in the morning may be recommended not only by infants, but also adults. Exposure to the morning sun for a while is suspected of providing many benefits. Here are some benefits of the morning sun that we can feel.

The benefits of the first morning sun is that our body can get vitamin D directly. Why? Because sunlight is the trigger for vitamin D. We need vitamin D to help the body absorb calcium and phosphate from the foods and drinks we consume. These two minerals play an important role in healthy bones, teeth and muscles.

If the body is deficient in vitamin D, bone can become soft and weak to cause bone deformity. Vitamin D deficiency also increases the risk of multiple sclerosis, tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis (immune disorders that attack the joints of the body so inflamed and painful), type 1 diabetes, and cancer.
Children with vitamin D deficiency may develop rickets (the bones become soft and not strong enough to form abnormal), while adults may develop osteomalacia (bone becomes painful and tender).

  1. Cure skin diseases(Menyembuhkan Penyakit Kulit

The benefits of early morning sunlight are associated with skin diseases. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), exposure to sunlight can treat some skin conditions in some people. Doctors recommend exposure to UV radiation to treat acne, jaundice, eczema, and psoriasis.

  1. reduce stress(Mengurangi stres)

A study shows that exposed to sunlight can improve our mood. On sunny days where the sun shines brightly, our brains produce serotonin hormones (hormones that can affect moods) more than in cloudy, rainy, or cloudy days.

With the reduction of serotonin hormone in the body, we become susceptible to seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a form of depression triggered by seasonal changes. If you are already exposed to SAD, especially in less sunny seasons such as winter and rain, depressive symptoms such as difficulty concentrating, gloom, excessive sleep, laziness to do daily activities, feeling tired, and lost energy can be felt.

  1. Prevent cancer( Mencegah Kanker )

Excessive exposure to sunlight can indeed trigger skin cancer. But in moderation, sunlight can actually prevent other cancers such as prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, ovarian cancer, colon cancer, and Hodgkin's lymphoma. And lucky we live in a tropical country, because those who live in areas that lack sunlight tend to be affected by various cancers.

When is the right time?

It is advisable not to sunbathe above 10:00 am if you want to get the full benefits of the morning sun. Duration was not excessive, just 5-15 minutes for two to three times a week. If exposed to sunlight after 10 am to 4 pm for a certain time it gets burnt skin. Depending on each skin type, the more white the skin of a person the faster the skin burns. Conversely, the darker the skin of a person is more resistant to the effects of solar radiation.
Ultraviolet radiation of sunlight has both positive and negative effects. Too much exposure to direct sunlight is harmful to the health of our skin. But in the right time, warm morning sunshine actually provides many benefits of the morning sun.










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