in #nigeria6 years ago

Morning brethren
images (9).jpegHaving then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith; or ministry, let us use it in our ministering; he who teaches, in teaching." (Romans 12:6-7)

Personal - 5 am to 8 am

  1. Thank God for His blessings and favour over your life; bless Him for the release of His power into your life in this season of prayer and fasting.

  2. Ask the Lord to establish His call upon your life; declare that you will fully utilize your gifts to bless His people.

  3. Declare that the manifestation of your gifts and calling will be evident at home, the workplace and the church in this year of power.

Family and Church - 8 am to 11 am

  1. Pray that the Spirit of God will usher the church into a season of newness; declare that you will be at the cutting edge of ministry

  2. Pray for the continuous growth and expansion of churches in Ghana; ask the Lord to raise more ministers to serve diligently in different capacities.

  3. Ask God to pour out His Spirit upon all flesh; receive a fresh impartation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit to enhance your ministry.

Productivity, Career and Business - 11 am to 2 pm

  1. Pray that every church ministry will contribute towards the growth of the church; pray that every leader will be astute in character and loyal to the church's vision and mandate.

  2. Pray that believers will whole heartedly serve in the house of God; pray that they will be gentle and honest as they deal with the congregation.

  3. Pray that all volunteers in our churches will contribute their quota to church growth; ask God to keep them from all distractions and abuse of their opportunities as volunteers.

Nation, Continent and Global - 2 pm to 5 pm

  1. Pray for God's protection and blessing for volunteers, staff and leaders of all churches in the nation and beyond.

  2. Pray for the right mindset for all leaders and volunteers in the church; pray that they will put God first in all their endeavours and fully depend on the power of God to get the work of the ministry done.

  3. Thank the Lord for divine growth in the church because of the power at work in all leaders and volunteers.

Declaration - 8 pm

In the name of Jesus, we declare a release of the gifts of the Holy Spirit into every ministry and department in every bible-believing church worldwide. Because the Spirit of the Lord is upon us, we are empowered to do greater works. We declare that from our ministries, leaders will be raised, lives will be glory transformed and legacies will be built to the glory of the Lord. I decree a season of accelerated growth and prosperity into every Church Worker's life, family and ministry. & Amen!

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