in #nigeria6 years ago (edited)

Great Minds,
Our lifestyles and behaviours matter a lot on the upbringing our our kids, they learning faster by copying us. They try to do exactly what you did or what you are doing. Hence, it is important we do things that are good only if we want to train up a good child. Funny enough, the bad acts are easily to copy by them than the good ones, that is why we must be careful how we act. We must put our actions to check.

I speak from experience here, recently I was in leave in fact for the past 3 weeks I have been at home and with my daughter almost all the time.

(Photo of my daughter trying to repeat a word after me)

Cherish is just a year and one month, but she is smart and very observant. I noticed that she tried to do exactly whatever I did and also doing very well to copy her mum too. If I kiss the mum, she would want me to kiss her too. Every word I said or whatever her mum said she tried to repeat after us. Always looking at us and wanting to be like us in all respect. If her mum ties headtie she wants it herself and so on.

(Photo of Cherish with headtie wanted to be like her mum)

Having noticed these actions my wife and I have decided to be careful before her not to do things that are inappropriate or indulge in acts that are not worthy to emulate. We always show good example and use the opportunity to teach her and nurture her to follow a godly and reputable pattern.

Let us team up to train up our children to build strong and reputable character for a better future. The future lies on them and the better we get the well equipped and ready the better future we will get. Some of the ungodly and regrettable scene including high rate of crimes that are rampant today are direct result of poor parenting.
We can not get what we did not sow, you train poorly you get rubbish but good training with strong character can only give you nothing but a bright future of sound men and women.

Together we will create an environment sweet to enjoy life

Thank you for reading

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You are right. We have to be careful around our children

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