Stages of child's development: Growing together

in #nigeria7 years ago (edited)

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What occurs in the development of infants to young adults are genetically determined.
Stages is a term used to outline key periods in the human development. My goal is to help parents understand what is taking place in their child's body.
Parents need to provide necessary support, structure and encouragement to enable a child to progress in each stages they pass through successfully.

INFANTS {0-2years}
90% of our first time mothers find this stage exciting and challenging to raise a baby. Now let's look at the stage of an INFANT.
  • It's a time to develop bonds between the parents and the child.
  • Parents will begin to discover who the new baby really is.

  • TODDLERS [2-5years]
    This is a new phase in development.
  • This is when the child begins to take his/her first step and free to roam around their world.
  • They explore in their environment.
  • They begin to understand the languages spoken to them.
  • Ability to ask for things.
  • During this stage, a major challenge is developed what psychologists call emotional regulation but parents can use the bond developed during infancy to help the child learn to adjust their emotional expression.

  • This is also a stage of rapid physical and intellectual development.
  • They interact with friends.

  • SCHOOL AGE {6-12years}
    This stage is awesome and lovely. Watching your children learn new activities. They become smarter.
  • They become gradually ready for more independence

    This stage is a big challenge to parents and it becomes more difficult in raising the child.
  • The child begins to develop…body changes
  • They become independent
  • They become passive-aggressive ‡I'll do it later ‡, self-conscious ‡What are you staring at?‡, moodiness ‡leave me alone‡
  • They begin to keep secrets
  • Talents are perfected

    This stage is the time to begin to define oneself and to contemplate on the future

  • Social skills become accurate
  • Intimate relationship begins to build

  • During adolescence stage, kids need their parents but their ego becomes a barrier to open up and the parents need to be in open parent-child communication. Adolescence will go through a lot of challenges and the parents need to support, monitor and encourage them.

    I was inspired to write on this article through the following books I read last Monday.
    -James Hymes' Understanding your child by Kadija Johnson.
    -Lerner, C. & Dombro. Learning & Growing together: Understanding Your Child's Development.
    -Nelson, J., Erwin, C & Duffy. Positive Discipline: The first three Years.

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    Thanks to @ambmicheal for designing this beautiful badge for me.

    Thanks to my bestie @camzy for designing this wonderful toon of me😊

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    the first language of achild is very important the mother.thanks @plojslydia

    What occurs in the development of infants to young adults are genetically determined.

    You’re correct. Though environment also has a role to play. That’s the nature-nurture controversy
    Nice piece there

    @plojslydia thanks for doing this wonderful article. Personally, I will this useful as I prepare to go into family business.


    The adolescent stage is really taking it's toll on my younger brother. Your post brings me even more closer to him.

    Yea, it's a very emotional stage.

    Quite an interactive post.

    The formative stage of the child is a core determinant of the major things that would happen in such a child's life as he grows up.
    Parents should therefore ensure they input more effort to train the children well so they do not go astray in their teenage years.

    All these stages should be helped by parents and guidance as mistakes done on each stage could highly regrettable when becomes an adult.

    Nice post.

    Parents, mother especially plays a major role in who their wards turns out to be in the future. Good counselling is the watch word. Inspired

    Nice tutorial,but the school age i think has to start from around 2 or 1 because in this generation children start school fast

    This post worth resteem because i can see it effect on my steemit account

    @olusolaemmanuel my boss ur reputation just they uncrease each day,show me too the way

    Wow this is wonderful
    It sure will help a lot in family issues

    You nailed it. I must say am inspired. This will help build a good home

    Accurate, but you didn't include the marriage stage lol, nice post der

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