Back to Steeming

in #nigeria6 years ago

When I read, hear or watch something new, I subconsciously try to pick out at least one way this new knowledge will improve my life. Keep in mind that I am not one to limit myself to only reading or watching only “educational” content. I watch every and anything because I believe that there is always something to learn from every content.

Granted, most times the knowledge I gain is not immediately helpful, but down the line, I find myself in situations where having those “useless knowledge” come in quite handy.


So why did I go into all of this? Today, I was “ghost-stalking” (yes that’s a word. I invented it. Deal with it.) my favourite accounts on Instagram and one of them is @naijasinglegirl. While reading through her posts as I usually do, I realised that it I enjoyed reading about her life experiences. Reading her posts brought some sort of joy into what typically would be a stressful day (especially with my new work colleague. Let’s leave this story for another day).

I think this picture accurately depicts ghost-stalking 😂.

So, like I mentioned at the beginning of this post, my brain subconsciously thought how can this knowledge improve my life? Then, it clicked, I have been meaning to get back into Steeming for many month now but I have been sort of lacking a purpose and the motivation to continue. I needed to find a reason to come back and just by reading this girl’s/woman’s post, I found my purpose and my motivation.
I don’t mean to flatter myself, but I would like to think that there was someone out there who was ghost-stalking me as well and when I stopped Steeming, the person lost that moment of enjoyment that my post may have brought into their life.

Therefore, with this new found purpose (whether real or not 😂), I have decided to pick up my average writing boots and to start Steeming once again!
So many things have happened in my life that I would like to share but I just hope I keep motivated and resist the urge to give up when life’s pressures get to much.
I have also decided to go back to my previous method of sharing my day to day life experiences. There is a lot of knowledge to be gained from life itself so we should not undermine that.

I know that there are many people who have also given up on Steem but I hope that one day, they too will find their motivation to continue their journey here.

Until next time, thanks for stopping by. Chat later!

The act of creating a fake Instagram account in order to follow the lives of people who you don’t know (and maybe some you might know😜).

There is probably a word for this of which the writer is unaware.

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