in #nigeria6 years ago

Continuing from where i stopped here yesterday

As the health minister, I would ensure through supervision that admission into all medical colleges are based on merit to avoid putting the square pegs into a round hole. I will also put the necessary machineries in place and to overhead the activities of the various arms of health institutions.
In addition, special medical centres would be established to take care of motherless babies, aged people and the less privileged and free drugs provision sponsored by the federal government. I will also through various means create awareness of healthy living to all Nigerians and also include it in the primary school curriculum so that it can be imbibed by the children from their tender and early age.


As the popular saying goes

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. If I were the minister of health, I'll focus on the children who are the future generation of Nigeria through a food provision scheme I will setup during my period of government. The main aim of this is to provide balanced lunch both in quality and quantity to children in all public schools in Nigeria . A malnourished child is of little use to himself not to talk of the community at large. Also, exercise through sporting activities to keep fit and remain in good shape will be imbibed. This will make them healthy, effective, build their immune system and also prevent obesity.
As the minister of health, I will steer improvements that will help Nigerians live longer, healthier and more independent lives through public health interventions such as immunization or dealing with outbreaks of diseases, screening services such as cervical screening, maternity services, child health, disability support system and ambulance services.

I remember watching a movie in which a woman got hurt and her husband had to call 911. My younger brother asked me if there was a "911" in Nigeria. For a second or two, I couldn't reply and i later said yes. But then people don't pay attention to it. Are there really quick responses to emergency situations in Nigeria?

source A typical Emergency Response Unit


Adequate and qualified persons will be employed to man all the general hospitals and health centres in all localities in the country. I will ensure they are well remunerated and paid to enhance efficiency. Also, I will make sure laboratories are put in place alongside all current hospitals for quick medical delivery and all medical centres will be well managed and optimally equipped to meet modern day technology. In order to really upgrade the standard of medical facilities in Nigeria, I will establish a medical training institute programme to update previously gained knowledge, capacity and skills.

Drug misuse and abuse is at a very high rate in Nigeria. People buy drugs from local chemists who have little or no idea of the essence of prescription. They sell drugs based on the customer's complains. They even administer malaria drugs for headache. It is common knowledge that when you feel an headache, the next thing is to use a pain reliever. But what about others whose genetic makeup requires them to consult a doctor for proper assessment. As the minister of health, no one would be allowed to sell drugs without a license of qualification of practice. We cannot afford to put our lives in jeopardy because of desperate quacks.

The grass isn't greener on the other side. It is common knowledge that a whole lot of medical students are jobless and idle, some travel abroad to practice while others end up doing menial jobs in the name of finding greener pasture. Apart from building more hospitals as previously said thereby providing more jobs, I shall and will provide welfare package for medical practitioners. This will go a long way in encouraging medical students to practice in the country rather than travelling overseas.



I would put in place an insurance medical scheme that will cover every citizen of the country both young and old without prejudice, and also keep accurate medical data to guide government policies on health. Winston Churchill said

If we change, we are not sure if things would change; but for things to change, we must change".

These are element of success, Nigeria has what it takes to be what she wants to be. Today's hiccups can't stop us from moving ahead. The fact that Nigeria's health sector is down today does not mean we should adapt to being stagnant. We shouldn't let challenges order what we'll be or where we'll stay. We have the right to get up and rise above it. Mark Zuckerberg said

It is not enough to have purpose for yourself, you have to create a sense of purpose for others."

If I were the minister of health of the federal republic of Nigeria, I wouldn't work to get paid, I would get paid because I have worked.

God bless Nigeria!

Thank you for following thus far. Stay awesome


Wow your thinking is very high.i like your thoughts

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