in #nigeria7 years ago

To the audience of this write up, this write up was written in other to remind and help every individual remember that the way you write your life into a script isn’t the way it’s performed well by the talents(actors) and directors, most times the directors of our life are mostly our parents, friends, at some points that teacher or lecturer, that stranger or foe that has made an impact one way or the other in your life.
This book is not the story of the writer and is based on struggles, failures and success but yet till as content of human experience which is meant to help correct your mistakes or avoid them.
Even the wisest human would have failed at some point in time, it’s not a crime but refusal to change that step you had taken is the crime and its known nobody is above mistakes same way no man is an island of knowledge. No one can probably tell the outcome of every step or action taking would be an 100% turn out, most times the best guess turns out to be the wrong one, things wouldn’t always work out the way we want it to, that’s why life is called a football pitch, which means you can’t always have things your way it always moves around just the same way a ball is passed around.
Humans tend to misjudge a lot of things, for instance every average person wants to be rich right, it quite good to aspire to be better but have you ever taken time off to ask that rich man how he made is wealth, what he has passed through and what he is till passing through remember pain isn’t pasted across the fore head, most of them just know how to hide their pain well and ache in their comfort zones. The most important thing really is to do something to be remembered for whether good or bad that is left to you to decide.
Making the right choice might be hard due to the consequence of what is at stake or will be at stake but correcting the wrong choice is way harder, but not to worry if you have made the wrong choice before just make sure to make the right one to correct it not thinking of the consequence, really how bad could the consequence be right, maybe very bad or not bad at all one step at a time solves it all and come to think of it if you lie you still get yelled at and for that period maybe a reduction of the expected consequence but what really happens when the truth comes out, ‘I guess worse’, it might be hard to tell the truth but definitely the truth will reduce your punishment and set you free from your worse enemy who is yourself, your conscience and the double punishment of lies.
Hope you enjoyed reading and learnt a lot from this, remember every successful person as a success story to tell.
Man’s Will to Succeed
A study of intellectually gifted students at a New Zealand high school has revealed one significant factor that distinguishes the highest achievers from the lowest achievers.
This factor was 100% significant – present in all the highest achievers and absent in all the lowest achievers.
This factor was their ability to fail well.
Its then complies me to say that for man to succeed he need to know how to fail well, not fail badly. To fail well means that you must Acknowledging your failures, taking responsibility for your own actions, working out what you did wrong, making changes, and having another go and to fail badly means Blaming other people, pretending you never have any failures, adding drama to failures to avoid dealing with them, avoiding any activity that could possibly result in failure, dropping any activity after the first failure, Making the same mistake over and over Universalizing failure.
Most human have a reason/motivations for wanting to be successful some it depends on the society that are from, for some it’s their family background, for some individual the drive to success come from pain, a very bad experience while some peoples drive comes from dreams of what they want their future to be, some because of heavy responsibilities they have to shoulder.

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