The Bigwave Hits Nigeria; Project Bigwave Here To Support Nigerians

in #nigeria7 years ago


"Writing has been my hubby, and fortunately I found steemit and started writing several articles and posts. I shared videos so as to attract people to my post, but I do not get the reward I expect. Now I'm tired and I'm frustrated, maybe because I'm not so good when it comes to writing or is it because I'm Nigerian?"

I've heard a lot of people saying these things out of frustration believing that steemians do not read posts and do not want to upvote them.

With Nigeria being one of the fastest growing countries in the community as indicated in this post by @gavvet, Project Bigwave has been initiated to assist Nigerians to learn how to write original posts free from @cheetah and @steemcleaners comments, and also help Nigerians by upvoting their posts.

How Can Project Bigwave Be Of Help

What Is Project Bigwave Doing?
Project Bigwave was birthed with the vision of building a strong Nigerian community on steemit.

In that Note, Project Bigwave with the help of her teams will be helping Nigerians grow by upvoting posts authored by Nigerians. Also, the project will help improve the writing skills of Nigerians by writing posts that serve as a guide on how to improve. A few posts have been written on the @onequality page, by @ehiboss and others you can view this blog pages to read them. Also, more guides will be posted to help improve the community.


Project Bigwave Guidelines For Curation

The Project Bigwave team are working hard to find original posts by Nigerian to upvote. For a post to be upvoted, it has to conform with a few guidelines. These guidelines are:

  • Nigerian authors only
    The project is meant to support Nigerian authors only.

  • Original content

Nothing beats originality. Original contents are advised to be posted and in cases where post are coined with support from other sources, the sources are to be referenced. Also, the post should not be copy/paste.


Members of the Bigwave teams go extra miles finding posts by Nigerians to curate, and in doing so not all posts are upvoted. In other to help ease the curation process, Nigerians are advised to use the #nigeria tag. With this tag, posts are easily accessed and upvoted.

  • One post per author
    So many Nigerians write more than once a day, surprisingly I see Nigerians who post four times a day. Because you write quality and original post, using the #nigeria tag doesn't guarantee that all your posts will be upvoted. Project Bigwave team will be upvoting only a post from an author daily.

  • Quality Post, Quality Vote

You heard me right, the more original and quality the post you right, the higher the voting percentage. Readers are expected to write, read to correct and re-read their post, in other to make a beautiful compilation of words.

The Minds Behind The Vision

The team is headed and mentored by steemit mentors and curators @donkeypong, @infovore and @hanshotfirst.

The team also include Nigerians curators @destinysaid, @ehiboss, @fisteganos, @ogoowinner and @gbenga. These curators are being mentored and thought the ethics of good curation by the mentors.

Do you want to feel the Bigwave!!!


Very nice initiate
It can be really hard on a person writing without result
You guys are there at least

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