in #nigeria7 years ago

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People sin differently and in diverse ways but there are some sins that are more serious and enormous than others.
People do so many illegitimate things in this life just to make money but going to the extent of killing your fellow human being, cutting off some body parts for rituals, eating of feces (shit for real…are you kidding me? Going from one dust bin to the other; turning dust bin upside down, looking for what? Scavenging for used menstrual pads, wait! Like seriously? Is really appalling and abnormal. The online scammers now go to the extent of placing their feet on a live tortoise each time they are doing their dubious online activities. Many have sold their souls to the devil, making promises to deities, having casket as bed where they sleep each night when others are sleeping comfortably in their water beds, people do all these things just for fame and to make money in life but forgot that there are so many consequences. Things like these are beyond normal; that’s overboard.

Many people have made it big in this life without selling souls to the devil, without sleeping inside coffin or casket every night. Common you too can because these people have only one brain just like you. People really need to change their mindset and believe they can equally make huge money in this life without any fetish means but smartly and legitimately.

Please do not try to make money through any fetish means, stay off devils path for your own sake because the consequences are enormous.

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