in #nigeria7 years ago (edited)

Most Men do hurt their Wives in the name of correcting them. They speak harshly, they are so rash in their approach and can be very brutal.
Lots of women are living their lives in bitterness and anger due to the careless ways their husbands have been talking to them over time.
Here you will be able to know the right ways to talk to your wife without hurting her:
1) LOWER YOUR VOICE: Don’t shout at her, she is not your housemaid, she is not a Child. You can correct, yes, but why shouting?
2) DO IT IN LOVE: Correction should be done in love if done in any other way it turns to criticism and condemnation.
3) DON’T CRITICIZE: Stop criticizing her, rather correct in love. Most will say it’s constructive criticism, true? It means disapproval by pointing out errors and mistakes.
Correction is the act of offering better options to mistakes.
Correction and criticism are never the same.
Husband A says: what manner of food is this? is this popcorn or fried Rice? how I wish I marry a more sensible wife, with better home training, who can cook better.
Husband B says: Sweetheart this rice is too salty and dry unlike the one you did yesterday. I think salt should be reduce any other time because of our health.
Husband A criticized, Husband B, corrected his wife in love. Stop criticizing your wife.
4) PRAISE HER FOR WHAT IS RIGHT : It will be wrong to correct when it’s not well done when you don’t praise when it’s well done. Form the habit of praising and appreciating your wife for good deeds.
Avoid correcting your wife in the presence of your Children.
Incessant correction of your wife before your Children will make them disrespect her.
6) DON’T CORRECT HER IN THE PUBLIC : Avoid correcting your wife in the public, it does not show you as a gentleman, and will affect her self-esteem.
7) AVOID CORRECTION IN ANGER: Stop correcting your wife in anger, shouting, ranting, beating and making trouble. Real men don’t do that.
8) DON’T COMPARE HER WITH ANY OTHER WOMAN : In your thought of correcting her, you might have been comparing her with other women. “Don’t you see what your friend is doing?”
“Can’t you learn from our neighbors wife?”
“and so”
This is very wrong, no woman love to be compared with others, stop it.
Avoid referring to issues discussed and settled, stick to the present issue, discuss like adults and move on.
10) DON’T ATTACK HER WOMANHOOD: And you call yourself a woman? Virtuous women don’t behave like this, you better change before I change you.
This is very wrong, don’t do it.
11) DON’T ATTACK HER DIGNITY : You don’t behave like someone with sense, do you think at all? And you said you went to school, I doubt it. This is very wrong, you too, you are not talking like somebody that pass through a college.
12) DO IT IN TIME OF PEACE: Most husbands do want to correct in the heat of anger, at the height of misunderstanding, when temper has already hit the roof. That is not the best time to correct, it will yield little or no result.
13) GIVE A HELPING HAND: The best way to correct is to lead by example, step into the kitchen to give a helping hand, don’t just sit in the front of the Television correcting what goes on in the kitchen.
Wives are doing a great job, appreciate yours and support her to be a better wife and mother.

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source 2


I am not yet married but I moved and hanged with married people, I learnt a lot from them, part of which are in this post.... It is a very nice post and educating.

Thanks for reading through. Make sure you keep all those things in mind and follow them when you marry

This would be helpful although am not married yet but married people would find this helpful nice post

Thanks for reading through. You will also need it when you get married

Many homes has been destroyed because couples failed to pay attention to these details. Thanks for sharing @fatherfaith

Yes o. Thanks @lelads for reading through

i wish most men could think like this...most often than not some men just want to show that they are the man of the house and want to boss the wife around but they keep forgetting one thing that she is a human being that deserves respect and a day will come when she no longer can take the disrespect then the fighting begins and people start blaming the woman

Yes o. If every men can live this way, every home will be sweet

Good work dear, i've learnt even if am not married

Thanks for reading through.

Love; a debt we owe everyone and never finish paying.

Thanks for reading through

Great....am really impressed
You are really doing good on steemit

Thanks bro. You are one of the people guiding me

Only those that don't understand their wife beat them up.

You are right sir

Thanks for reading through

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