How to Sell Anything (An entrepreneurs guide)

in #nigeria7 years ago

An Entrepreneur or a business man ?

Each day, there is a rising need for entrepreneurs. People who entered the scene and change the game entirely.

Now I'm not not talking about business men, I'm talking about entrepreneurship. You know there is a difference between the two.

A business man is focused on buying and selling and making profits. Once the profit is great he is satisfied. But an entrepreneur goes the extra mile. He builds relationships with his buyers, he relates with them like friends and shows that he is genuinely interested in satisfying their needs.


It is our intention in this piece to explain the theory of selling not in the way it is taught in business school but in the simplest of ways even a five year old can understand.

"How To sell anything " and the principles explored here are from the personal experience of the author. Being an entrepreneur I've practiced most of these principles and they always avail me. So how can you sell anything ?

1. Let The target customer trust you.

To buy is to trust. It is to develop a bond with the seller without even realizing it. Some people buy from a certain vendor among other vendors. And each time they return to buy again, they realise they are naturally drawn to that same vendor and can't even explain why.

"an entrepreneur goes the extra mile. He builds relationships with his buyers, he relates with them like friends and shows that he is genuinely interested in satisfying their needs."

Well the reason is simple. They trust that vendor. Trust is very important. People all they day long are lost in their wants and their needs. They need to be able to believe that you can solves their problems.


Always remember that buyers are not buying your products, they are buying solutions to their problems. I will explore* "How To build trust in business "* in another post.

2. Let your customers talk 90% of the time

I've seen sellers who talk and talk and talk. They tell you about their family problems, the challenges their faces, how the exchange rate is growing worse all in a bid to convince a prospective customer.

This is wrong.

You know the truth is:

"customers want to buy, they don't want to be sold. And when you go about ranting and raving about yourself you're trying to sell."

You should listen to your customer. I explained earlier that the customer is the one with the problem, not you. Take time to listen to your customer. Even if what they're saying is unimportant.

By listening to them, you're trying to understand their unique needs. You're also trying to show that you're interested in them and their needs.

When they talk and talk to you, it shows they already trust you and believe me, they are halfway away from buying your products. No allowed them to take abut their puppy, about how they lost their money, about their personal lives. Trust is being established.

3. Be transparent about your product

You're a tutor to your customers. They rely on you for expert advice. That is why you must study your products carefully. You must know the different brands and variations. You must be able to tell when your product is a fake or not.

Be open and sincere. Explain to your customer all he needs to know. Do not deceive him. Honesty is still the best policy.


4. Stand up when talking on the phone.

Closely related to this principle is the tone you use when you say "Hello " on the phone. Some people have a habit of answering the phone as though they were forced to do so. When you do this, you're telling the other end that you're not delighted to hear from them without even saying so.

"Train yourself to answer the phone in such a manner that believes that you're delighted to hear from your customer or anyone for that matter."

When answering the phone stand up, this is business. Smile when you speak, it will be reflected in your voice even the other person hears it. So the next time you want to answer the phone, use a tone that says everything positive about you without your having to speak at all.

5. Be optimistic not realistic.

Some customers are very difficult. When they see your product, the first thing they do is point out all the flaws or all the demerits of using the product.

Some customers even feel they're doing you a favor by buying your products. When a person says he's not going to buy, do not take that as their final reply, maybe they haven't made up their minds just yet.

Think of difficult customers as hurdles to climb and opportunities to grow . Take time to study your customers, their habits, their peculiar attitudes sing that you can be better equipped to handle them.

6. Don't sell ice in the Himalayas

Yep, you heard right. Don't sell ice-cream when the weather is extremely cold and there's no need for it.

Most people complain that they don't get as many customers. Well people won't buy your product if they don't need it. That is why if there is no need for your products, you must first generate a need. And the best way To do this is by advertisements.

"Take time to study your customers, their habits, their peculiar attitudes sing that you can be better equipped to handle them."

Maybe you need to change the location of your business or maybe you need to upgrade your products which ever is the case, do not sell something people do not need. You're here to solve problems and satisfies people's need. The whole purpose of your work will be defeated if you don't do that.

7. Follow up, follow up, follow up

Follow up helps you develop a bond with your customer, even if they refuse to buy your product.


Social media makes it increasingly easy to follow up but a most appropriate way to follow up is by making telephone contacts. Call your customer up, check on them if they've changed their.

However don't attempt to follow up when you don't know your customers full name. People value their names. In fact it is the best music too their. So when you call, make sure you refer to them by their names.

You can also follow by email. Send them mails to check out if they've made up their minds. There's also Whatsapp, instagram, facebook and some other social media app that provide for real time messaging. You can use those. But follow up until You drop.

8. Give them to tike decide.

It's often better for your customers to decide for themselves whatever they want. You can influence this decision but they often feel happier when they had the opportunity to choose what they wanted.

Therefore, if your customer has not yet made up their mind to buy your product, give them tine to decide - give them space too. Perhaps call them after a week to reminded them. It's often very East to forget.

In all, let the decision to buy your product flow grim their will and their needs, not from your persuasion some.

9. How many No's until a Yes's

Some people are not sons easy to persuade. Especially people who look very critically at the value on things. You have to handle such people with tact and never take a 'NO' as a final answer.

Try to show them the benefits of your products and how well it will serve. Have a positive attitude, it can take you very farther than you could imagine.


Now sell your products. And whenever you want it sell repeat the process all over again


[image sources](pexels and pixabay)

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Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!

Really, You are going to make it big!

Thank you Mary. A resounding AMEN to that prayer

I have really learnt a lot here. Thank you for sharing this. The issue with calls, I think other entrepreneurs have to learn this. Thank you much much.

Thank you more @gloglo for taking time to read the work though its a bit messy. Means a lot

Now this is the article of The CEO of Crimsons himself.

Keep it up bro, You will go places.

Thanks a lot bro. This means a lot to me

This is great....
That's the entrepreneurial spirit....
Keep it on.....

Thanks a lot sir for coming around

I learn alot from this. Kudos

I'm really glad that you did. Thanks

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