YOBE STATE, NIGERIA : The Pride of the Sahel at a glance based on my little knowledge

in #nigeria7 years ago (edited)

I had promised to put up a post about one of the unknown great States in my country, Nigeria. Here in Nigeria even outside, whenever people hears states like Borno and Yobe, you would see fear written all over them due to the case of insurgency that happened there few years ago and they still hear the news of some cases of explosion happening there.

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When I first checked my portal on the National Youth Service Corps social platform and I saw I was posted or deployed to Yobe State, truth be told, I shivered like I saw my death sentence .

I gathered courage from advice given by family and friends to go for the three weeks oreintation camp and then work on my relocation or redeployement, as you wish to call it, back to Ibadan and believe you me, I gladly took the advice like a piece of gold.

Well, I will not bore you with my story cause that story for another day, but for the purpose of this, I wish to use to opportunity to make known to people that:

sometimes where we underrate are sometimes the best place to be and best to make research on because you will surely get something that will interest you most


While in camp, I made some enquiries about Yobe and below are some facts I gathered about Yobe state.
I would like to group the informations into seven (7) sub headings:

  • Introduction

  • Geography

  • Climate

  • Religion

  • Occupation

  • Tourist Attractions

  • Local Government Areas


    Yobe State was created on the 27th August. 1991, by General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida who was the then Millitary President and Commander-in-Chief of the Nigerian Armed Forces. The Capital city is Damaturu and Yobe has her slogan to be : "The Pride of the Sahel" and located at the Northern-Eastern part of Nigeria


    The terrain of Yobe State is generally flat except for some parts in Gujba and Fika Local Government Areas where the lands are rocky with an area of 47,153square kilometers. There are also some parts in the extreme northern part with gentle undulating topography due to fixed long lines of sand dunes.

    There is also the River Yobe (also called Komadougou-Yobe) from which thr the state derived her name and it is the most important geographical feature.

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Yobe is sharing international border with Niger in the North, and local borders with Bauchi and Jigawa to the West, with Borno to the East while to the South with Gombe.


    The climatic features of Yobe State consists of both hot and dry seasons for most period of the year in the Northern parts, while in areas like Gujba and Fika it is a bit wetter and cooler. March, April and May are the hottest months with temperatures ranging from 39 to 42 degree celcius. The rainy season varies from place to place.

    One well known fact about Yobe State is that the population is pluralistic in ethnic composition with diverse and rich historical and cultural heritage. Major ethnic groups found in the State include:

  • Kanuri / Manga

  • Fulani

  • Kare-Kare

  • Hausa

  • Bade

  • Bolewa

  • Ngamo

  • Ngizim

  • Shuwa

    The official languages in the state are English, Kanuri and Hausa. Based on the 2006 National Census, the estimated population of inhabitants in Yobe is about 2.3million.


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    The predominant religion practised by the Yobe State people is Islam and its one of the states that practices Shariah legal system, but there are Christians in the state too


    Judging from the diverse climatic features that is obtainable in the state and also with my findings, most of the people are peasant farmers, only quite number of them engage in livestock rearing/production, trading and fishing.

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    The pride of the Sahel (Yobe State) is a tourist haven for all visitors to the state. It has very rich historical monument and traditions which are attractive to tourists (I am a witness) and they include:

the popular Machine (as called)
** Durbar**
Bade Annual Fishing
the Cultural Festival that takes place in Jakusko Local Government Area


We also have other areas for tourist attraction which are the:

Dofarga Spring in Gulani

Dogona Sanctuary Birds Parks

Bula Tura Oases and so on and so forth.


Yobe State has 17 local government areas and they include:

15.TarmuwaBabban- Gida

The present Executive Governor of Yobe State is Alhaji Doctor Ibrahim Gaidam

I think with my three weeks stay, I have been able to know that the people of Yobe state are accomodating, hospitable and great to be with and from the above notes, I believe Yobe is cool to be especially for business orientated people.
I had to change my thought after my stay and I wished I could stay and live there with my family cos Yobe State is indeedThe Pride of the Sahel

Thanks for staying with me throughout and if you do have questions, please use the comment box and I will try to give answers to them based my direct experience and I remain your naija lady @bekky...#onelovekeepsustogether!!!



Your post is very nice

Thanks alot @mdarifk10

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