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RE: How We Enjoy Electricity In My Country; Celebrating 4 Hours Of Uninterupted Power Supply

in #nigeria7 years ago

YES checm out our #operationupgradeafrica and my project with @tj4real and @stellabelle and @ogoowinner to get small solar powered chargers to africa i sent some to @ortigas100 small $10 USB ones to power smartphones and i want to send these ones from amazon that are $40 and like apackback that fold out or can be used as a solar powered backpack on top of a backpack, and it can charge a smartophone faster, but i JUST had an idea to use Gasolione powered tiny motors to charge smartphones and laptops etc, and houses! with car batteries, just use small motors, queit remote control car engines, so small u coukd fit in your plcket, and these can powetr laptops and WIOFI routers at night! gasoline is plkentiful and cheap and we should use it untill we can get cheaper moreplentifyl solar panels and something better than lithium batteryies or cheaper, because we should have lots of cheap bateries in every hom with solar for the day untillthen very african home should just have a smal cheap backup generator because small 1 or 2 stroke engines are simple to mas produce and assemble and we can have them running outside every home in africa untill they all provide the elctricity to work at home and saveuo for solar panels but yeah lets not forget fossil fuels!

i think we could REALLy do something like that Rhino Iron the Gas butane powered iron that doesnt require electricity here

we should have gas cannister powered laptops and Lithium Batteries and generators where it's a little gas powered generator that changes a BIG car battery to charge a Smartphone or laptop or even TV or speakers! that would be the best thing ever! Gasoline could directly be used ti power homes! if someone needs to get online they can use their gas generator and we need these things toi power wifi mesh networks people NEED BACKUP WIFI and Satelite Outernet and we should opay to have satelite Hughes net for many different villages rural places without any backuo internet when eletcriity gos down, we needto give them at least ONE uplink fpor the towna nd distribute wifi mesh repeaters so we can crate a mesh network in every corner of the world, we despertaly need to just invst SOLEY in internet infrastructure in Africa and africa can become SO cool and awesome u could be able to use Bitcoin everywhere in Africa so things would be safer, if you could always reach the right opeople u could AIrbnb your way aroun africa and it would be awesome, we should provide intrenet yto everyon and smartphons and watch how the entiure continent becoms lit up and alive with energy and money and viobrance and abundance

I see a very bright future for africa where all of afria is online and a combination of Lots of lithium batteries, Lots of solar panels portable and big ones, and LOTS of gasoline conventional generatoprs, small ones, opocket sized ons to just power wifi and lapptops and tablets and smartphones, and massive network of those KioKits distributed at every school and hospital (a box of tablets and a wifi repeater that takes the 2g or 3g or 4g signal and re broadcats it over wifi with a big battery so it is liek a wifi backup gnerator BRCK it is called

and this post #operationupgradeafrica with the help of many steemit users like @teamsteem and @thejohalfiles we got this up to front page and we helpd a handful of Steemit Afriuca users frm nigria and ghana to the top of trending and Africa categories, and we can make getting Wifi and Batteries and SMartphones tio Afrucans as a priority on steemit because then those people will be steemit users foir life! i know Afriucans will be very grateful and we can also allow steem to be a National Reserve Currency FOR africa, a backup to their own local fiat currencies, Biutcoin already i vry populr in Africa and theres always a loal bitcoin dealer or bitcoin ATM (and if theres not someone can always fiull that role and make money) This entire thing is so organic and has emrgent order written all over it! its so autoamtic and thinsg are just fitting very well Crypto currency is such a positive influence in Africa and will REALLy provide MANy jobs and AMUCH needed invstment! And the way digital currencies work will allow this money to be sopread around alot more, people will create entire companies and subcultures based on crypto, children wil take classes about Bitcoin...peopl will larn that they can actually make money for thsmeelves and their families online and the incom someone gets oin Steemit ENCOURAGES people to look for othr ways to make money online, and surely theer are plenty of jobs for everyone if they just look and theres plenty of ways t o make a job for yourself, more opportunities than i can count, and I am confident that people will continue to raise the global standard of living, i am confident that steemit can make a HUGE difference and trigger a domino effect for crypto currency all around africa.....people will quickly notice how much money the people invested in crypto currency are able to save up and make....and everyone in Africa wil want in on this gold rush! And thankfully there is stil plenty of time for people to get in! People will continue to make money as Bitcoin goes to $1 million and Steem goes to$1000 ... anyone who joins steemiut now or who buys 1 bitcoin is going to be set for life! I am confident of this. So we should concentrate on helping others and the Universe will take care of us i just know it....People will notice our good work..we will get investments from agnel invstors, and we will be abl to relax and KNOW that we CAN solvce the global poverty problems within 10 years! its possible and we can do it! we can leave our children with a world where noone is actually starving noone goes hungry and everyone has a purpose or at last the chance to make a purpose for themselves, no one is without food because of any economic reasons, we can do it It will take hard work but with 1 million or so of us working on the problem, investing all our extra money into this issue, we can not only solve the problem but we an MAKE MONEY off iut! Imagine helping to get jobs for the 1 billion people who are in povrty....theyll be glad to help make US money! thats 1 billion customers! or 1 billion employes!imagine if we fed the 800 million peopel who still go to bed hinrgy verynight in 2017! if they actualy got enough food theyd be moe productive and wed all make moe mony! we should see the situyation as a whole!

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