in #nigerlast year (edited)


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Recent popular military coup in The Republic of Niger ousted from power the so-called democratically elected president who is pro French colonialism and NATO whatnot nonsense and who was favored by the French government in the last election during which at least eight people were killed in contrast to the Junta takeover with no casualties as of yet and with overwhelming support from the people of Niger.

Niger is major exporter of Uranium and gold yet its economy ranks second from the bottom of the list, while France is heavily relying on this Uranium for its extensive nuclear powerplants yet did nothing to help Niger to establish its own energy base. Now the Junta government has stopped export of Uranium to France and the rest of it on the open market comes from Russian channels.

Oops. Right, France has decided to support the illegal neonazi coup in Kiev with ensued genocide of Russian population of Ukraine and talk of NATO membership which led to war after NATO has pressed Ukraine to abandon Minsk peace agreement. So, no cheap Uranium from Russian side either, which includes all the stan states. I guess France will have to find it elsewhere or pay for it the market prices since the days of cheap Uranium from Niger are now over.

Strange how the collective West is hysterical about shoving democracy down everyone's throats yet Biden had reportedly stolen the elections in US and not even real Biden according to some, the US government is more interested in big business lobbyists than the American people, while EU is being dictated by unelected officials with member countries population reduced to institutionalized slavery and their sovereign borders practically destroyed.

So they want the same democracy for the rest of the world who run away from the collective West faster than light while establishing their own independent from West economic and political systems and organizations, with BRICS approaching the Big Bang for the buck.

The Wagner Group meanwhile has positioned itself in the region ready to provide the necessary military assistance during this actual democratic transition of power by popular demand of Niger people, who only want to be free from Western colonialism so that they can raise themselves from poverty, which is possible since Niger has all the natural resources it needs to achieve its own economic and social prosperity.

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