
Sad but wise !!!!

I live in Bristol and the liberals are making it the next London. I live on a street with a radical salafi mosque. Three have popped up. We have had the same problems as Rotherham.

Wow! Infuriating! A change of course is crucial !
It is possible! Has to

It needs the political and social will and they are cowed and apologists. They can't even bring themselves to call the Islamic grooming abuse gangs what they are. They call them "Asian" rape gangs or "predominantly Pakistani" or even "cultural"...They are none of that. Those in my area were born of Somali immigrants, they aren't Asian or Pakistani. And they are British so it can't be culture......
They can't bring themselves to say the thing that links them all..Islamic theology.! They use the same reasoning as Daesh and militant groups who enslave Christian women because they have defeated them and the quran and hadiths allow it. They believe the areas they live in conquered here. Because they are. Thats why they abuse and rape our children..

Guys you are scaring me... but thanks for your advise, I really appreciate it. I'm going to Cardiff I hope the situation there is not bad.

Yeah, Cardiff has a problem. Its where "jihadi John" and "the beatles" who tortured and executed for Daesh in Iraq and Syria came from..Drone strikes got them all last year..
The cities are OK here. In the city centres. A lot of concrete bollards etc but safe. Its smaller cities and towns where salafi communities or ghetto's have grown..Islamification is well under way in UK. Not as bad as France and Belgium, but getting there..

Good luck and keep us posted!

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