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RE: UK is a free country! Right?

in #niews6 years ago

Hi Nexit. Nothing shocks me anymore. there is way too much political correctness going on instead of what is right and wrong. Unfortunately there is a weak government in power and the opposition is not credible either. There are weak leaders all over the place and makes Trump look decent. It's no wonder Putin and co can do what they want. Can't see it getting better any time soon until someone steps up and starts to lead. Good post though.


Thanks! Keep up the hoop! We, the people, are the change we are looking for!

Need to grow quickly. Have a communist in opposition with a gullible and weak following who can't think for themselves. I was born in UK and it is sad to see it in such a state. Needs a proper shake up. No Conservative or Labour government. More an independent to shake it up and fix it. Each party has too many agendas and both are pathetically weak.

I know. But it can not be that a culture like the British one dies, vanishes! Not all cultures are equal, you know! Not is my eyes.

British culture is being diluted right now. I remember seeing an article about the Christmas lights in London. Not allowed to call it that. It is the festive lights. If I live in another country I abide by what is their rules. For instance if you live in a muslim country like Turkey you don't expect to change what they have been doing for centuries because you feel offended. The same applies in England. If you don't like it then leave or shut up.

I love it! "Leave or shut up"! This is the motto!
The danger comes from the British people who comply to the intolerant newcomers.

I blame my generation. Both sets of parents went to work and they felt guilty. So they spoilt their kids and pampered them. They didn't play sports and get up to mischief like I did. They went to school and were pampered. We have created a few generations of people who don't know what is right and wrong. They have never been punished or know what hardships are. There is suffering all over the world. Reality it is not good but you can't help everyone. Charity begins at home first. Fix your country before you fix others.

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