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RE: Update from Ceci in Nicaragua Part II

in #nicaragua6 years ago (edited)

I think at 45 i'm still all over the place, norms and values ... where values tend to be more or less timeless and norms tend to be very localized in both space and time.
Despite that, they're still figments of human imagination ...

allow me to put up a quote again from one of my teachers in gedanken

The universe did not invent justice. Man did. Unfortunately, man must reside in the universe.


I'm fairly certain a lot of those shaped my thinking a lot more, reading that as a kid, than any school ever did, and i'm glad they did hahah.

As for stereotypes, they're like cliché's i think. They exist because they exist. It's never a stereotype before it's been true SO many times that it becomes one, same for cliché , which is a sort of stereotype in itself and vice-versa.

Socialism tends to have a whole different meaning and colour to it (mental colour) when people from the states talk about it imo as the idea there is still born from the remnants of the cold war and the ironjaws who fought that war arent all gone yet.
My grandpa was a die-hard socialist. Back when cops beat people up for demonstrating, went with his pa to work on the fields in france since he was 12, born before the first war, fought in the second , got caught survived a nazi labour camp and yet made his way back home.
The most quiet person i could think of as a kid, almost impossible to phase (other than the usual way married couples talk to eachother after 60 years together, lol)
But that socialism has nothing to do with the ideas i sometimes see on sites from american "democrats" and "liberals".
It's elections here in may too and i'm not sure i will actually vote , even if you're legally obliged to appear, they still cant MAKE you, unless the pirate party is on the list ... from Amelia to Julia (first one is the youngest EU member EVER , AND a woman btw hahah , the other one has done a lot of things like when they ordered the report for copyright reform (before article 13) the results spoke a bit against wrecking peoples lives in the name of copyrism (well, a bit ...) so they buried it, ms. Reda invoked THEIR OWN freedom of information act , as a MEP mind you, in order to have it released, a paper they spent i dont know hundreds of thousands, maybe millions on) among other things

they're young and the PP is a sort of what i like to call "neo-socialism" its mostly well-educated people who live in the now with a lot of tek-savvy too (espeically their following lol)

and they have been making nothing but claims that make sense so i think they're the only ones who i would willingly give my vote to here

but if and then and when, they would still have to dis-prove that , once in power, power absolutely corrupts.
its like dreughs lol and lady H, the only b*tch that never leaves you

despite all that for some reason, even after the lobby ITSELF comes out against it, article 13 seems like it will be pushed anyway.

It's all about control, right, not about protection, and here we are , vying and trying for a bit of independence from that old world, and somehow they keep making it impossible.

I'm not sure if there's a pirate party in the states (assuming you live in the states, i dont actually know why i assume that, must be lingering from thinking Phoenix referred to the place) but if there is, you might like it :)

a bit of a new breed , so maybe best to run with it before they become the norm and old-breed lol


I'm in the States, but I mean socialist in the European sense. We vary a lot on terms depending on who you talk to. If you're talking to a leftie (like me): dems and repubs are both corporate parties, but the Rs are blatantly racist/sexist/homophobic etc. and the dems say nice words whilst they bomb the world and starve out the poor.
"Liberal" to a rightist means "left," but to a leftie, it means "centrist." A better word to mean left is "progressive."
I'm registered Green party because they are the furthest left that actually gets on the ballot in enough states to conceivably win; but corruption naturally means they don't. Here they are the "radical" party. I might register as a Democratic Socialist if they had even a snowball's chance in hell, but they don't even get on the ballot in most states, so it's pretty much just a protest vote.
And I'm anarchist, but I vote because it doesn't hurt and there's evidence it matters on the local things, at least.
I don't think we have a Pirate Party, at least not nationally or locally.
Funnily enough, the Greens in '16 offered their nomination to Bernie before he announced he would run as a Democrat and got shafted by them. If he had taken them up on it, I truly believe he could have won, third party or no, and it might have legitimized third parties here. But alas. We'll see what he does in two years.


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