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in #nibiru7 years ago

Nice post, if I still thought we lived on a ball I would be all over this kind of stuff. In the image right above the unscheduled blood red moon image, what is the "official" explanation for what this object is?


Hello! I apologize for my late response. I do not believe there is an "official" explanation from any major organizations that I am aware of. I know several "professionals" have commented on the videos and photographs, of this incident but the "professionals" contradict each other. (Shocking, right?) Some "believe" it is just lens flare and have "proven it", but then there are others who say that they "have proven" that it is not lens flare. Personally, after doing so much camera work in the paranormal field, the video and photograph that you are speaking of is not consistent with lens flare.

NASA has not directly commented on each individual picture or video. Sometimes they just don't acknowledge it at all. NASA in the past has stated that there is no Nibiru or Planet X, but then later said there is now an unknown planet in our solar system and labeled it Planet X. (Again contradicting themselves and probably knew long before saying this.) One of their higher ups then stated that this planet was located beyond Pluto and passed the asteroid belt, but then slipped up when answering questions during the same discussion and made a statement that indicated that it is passed Pluto and closer to Earth.

Quite honestly, after reading and hearing all of these conflicting "official" statements and knowing that things are kept hidden from the public and then released later, I take any "official" statement with a grain of salt until I see all of the evidence. I just simply notate everything that is presented from all of these statements if I come across them and move on.

Conspiracy theorist believe it is Nibiru or Planet X while others believe it is another Sun from the Nibiru system called Nemesis. Basically, no one can come to an official agreement.

My team has what we believe to be a plausible theory behind the Nemesis system and the video/photographs of what you are seeing, but we won't be revealing this until about the first or maybe second week of July.

I am sorry I don't have much more of an answer for you on an "official" explanation, but hopefully what I provided for you helps. Let me know if you have any other questions. :-) Have a good rest of the week!