WOLVOMAN80 VS NFYFC aka Young Farmers or my personal favourite; Over privileged rich spoiled pricks!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #nfyfc8 years ago



I live in a posh nice Tory Constituency called Church Stretton! After spending 35 years of my life in oppressed Wolverhampton I believed that moving my family away from the city was the best thing I could do for them, so I did, and I was wrong!

Church Stretton is a place of CONSERVATIVE, IGNORANT, SNOBS that seem to believe that their wealth makes them more important than the rest of the country. For example Church Stretton library was kept open after locals protested to keep it open, Church Stretton Swimming baths also now looks to be spared from the Conservative cuts that these people voted for. Obviously Wolverhampton (a city that voted against the cuts and the Conservatives) and lots of other cities and surrounding towns lose their libraries, swimming baths and youth clubs/schemes but they are not Conservative constituencies.

As if this is not bad enough rich kids also have Young Farmers, a charity dedicated to keeping little rich white boys busy, they take them Bowling, Cinemas, Ice skating and all sorts, I know what your thinking, whats wrong with that? Monday I was in Birmingham City Center, I seen people sleeping in shop windows even kids and teenagers! Yet these spoiled little RICH KIDS are being given charity and youth schemes?

What about charity for those that actually need charity? the homeless, the poor and the oppressed? What about youth schemes for poor kids that live in oppressed areas and often turn to drugs?


Church Stretton’s pubs have kids working in them to allow the kids to earn extra cash and save the pub a fortune on wages, holiday and sick pay despite the fact the pubs charge nearly £20 for steak and chips!. It would not happen Birmingham and Wolverhampton pubs and with good reason but the law should apply nationwide nobody anywhere should be above it. Drink driving is also overlooked around here, in fact I have hardly seen a police car or a policemen the whole time I have lived here!

These people from Church Stretton and similar rich rural towns vote police state, oppression and robbery but do not live in the police state, oppression and robbery they voted for.

One thing will always be the same these rich white boys will have more money than the average city person but no balls, we scare the shit out of these rich white boys, with their idiot ticks on their trainers and country mansions. One day city people will be so hungry the only thing left to eat will be these flabby bellied rich country boys.


My views and opinions on young farmers, charities for rich kids, Conservative constituencies and the upper class in general seems to have upset and offended some people, to these people I apologize, I’m sorry that you are so ignorant!

I had a former young farmer insisting that Young Farmers (a charity for over privileged conservative rich white boys and girls) do lots of charity work that helps the homeless, the poor and the oppressed, well fucking done how big of you! Where would they be without your generosity?

I have a few questions and observations however, questions and observations like; Instead of charity why don’t we alter the system so that people do not need charity? Instead throwing spare change at poor people and charities when your pocket and bank accounts are full of cash, why not change the way you think? How can a place or organization claim to care about people but then vote for a government that deliberately oppress, extort the poor and hand tax cuts to the rich?

When you posh country bumpkins are looking at fields of sheep and lovely scenery people in the city are looking at police harass and abuse the homeless that you claim to care about. If you rich spoiled white boys and girls really care then why do you vote the Conservatives?

Two reasons as far as I can see genuine ignorance and not giving a fuck about anyone or anything other than themselves.

Do you get upset or offended by our governments mouth piece we call our media attacking the poor, homeless and immigrants? Of course not but you do get offended and upset when you are faced with attacks on your ignorant lifestyles, you get offended by criticism of a Conservative run corporate sponsored “charity” how dare we little people attack you well fuck you. You are no better than the people that are being attacked and oppressed on a daily basis by our media so when you get a bit back you should SHUT THE FUCK UP and take it like we have too. You don’t like me? GOOD that means I am hitting the intended audience.

That goes for all the over privileged wimpy white boy and girl Young farmers, the organizers of this so called charity and to anyone else that thinks they are better than anybody else based on circumstances, luck and financial comfort.

Make poverty history instead of government policy.

Below we see Scottish poverty…

Above is BOW, ENGLAND – FEBRUARY 21: A recent study has shown that 42 per cent of children in Tower Hamlets live in poverty, making it the worst area of the UK for child poverty. The research was carried out by the ‘Campaign to End Child Poverty’ who have produced a map describing levels of child poverty across the UK.

Below is lovely Church Stretton, not much poverty in this Conservative safe seat but lots of ignorance….

Fuck with YOUNG FARMERS and I might end up like these foxes did after they fucked with the farmers lambs... DEAD!


Recently I written two blog’s explaining and exposing the fact that Young Farmers also known as the National Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs or NFYFC is a pointless rip off (shown above), a charity/youth scheme for rich kids in a country that is full of poverty. It might sound hard to believe to you Conservative country bumpkins but try stepping into the cities and the outskirts and will you witness much poverty if you care to look.

These blogs have offended some young farmers, again I apologize! I’m sorry you’re so FUCKING stupid. If it makes you feel any better I am offended nearly every time I read mainstream media and charities set up by over privileged pricks for over privileged pricks really offends me. They cater for people up to 26 years old!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT ABOUT? Grow the fuck up dick heads. I have even been told that I have been reported to the county head quarters of Young Farmers! Good, have a good read pricks.

Today was warned by a young farmer that Young Farmers have guns! And I should watch my mouth when I speak against them! HAHAHAHAHA, LOL and all the rest of it….

Yeah they got guns but they got no balls! The only thing these guns have ever killed is probably a cute little Rabbits, Badgers and Foxes (FASCIST, RACIST CONSERVATIVE BASTARDS LOVE KILLING ANIMALS AND FOREIGNERS,) unfortunately for them I am not a cute little Rabbit, Badger or Fox! And silly threats from over privileged, over feed and over weight white boys and girls do not scare me, in fact they make me laugh. I’m from Wolves, a place where people have guns used to kill people not cute bunny rabbits!

If I looked like this I would probably be really scared right now.


Today I have been informed that I have been reported to the police by the National Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs also known as NFYFC or my favorite simply OVER PRIVILEGED TOSSERS. The reason? I written three blogs explaining that I do not believe that over privileged rich kids should be receiving charity/youth schemes in a country/world full of poverty. This charity caters for people from 12 to 26! Twenty FUCKIN six years olds rich boys and girls being taken on day trips? Grow up man.

First thing I would like to say to young farmers is GOOD, I’m glad I pissed you off that much that you felt the need to report it, what did you say to them? Did you explain that since writing these blogs I have been threatened with GUNS? I didn’t think so, I should report you to the police but that ain’t my thing!

Second thing I would like to say is, How come you rich white boys and girls are so sensitive? Our media attack immigrants, people on welfare and the poor on a daily basis, Why don’t your money making, corporate sponsored rich charity address real issues like these? Oh yeah thats right because it don’t affect people like you. Have you read the Daily Mail? They hate and attack everyone that is not rich, if they can compare desperate immigrants fleeing war torn countries to rats than surely I can say anything I fucking like and I still wouldn’t go that low.

Bring the police, bring your guns, do what you want but notice as soon as somebody dare question your ignorant, fake lifestyles this is your reaction, to cry and tell the police. FUCKING PATHETIC, you deserve no respect so thats what you will get.

Now carry on ripping off kids and stupid people going up to 26 years old in the name of charity and STFU please. I got other things to do, other rich conservatives to piss off.

Recently I have had the brilliant pleasure of learning about Young Farmers a parasitic rip off that uses the word charity to justify ripping off middle class kids and idiots mainly.

The age to join Young Farmers is 12 to 26, yes young farmers take out dickheads that are stupid enough to hand other their parents money in most cases aged up to 26 years old on day trips. What’s wrong with that I hear you ask again? As explained in previous blogs youth schemes in cities and surrounding areas are shut down yet these in most cases middle class kids are given discounts, free trips and other luxuries in the name of charity.

I know some people that are stupid enough to throw their money at these parasites and these people inform me that Craven Arms young farmers are taking under 18s to pubs! It’s all good and legal for over 18s but what about the under 18s that are also allowed to follow, WTF? What kind of idiotic mentality do Young Farmers think they are passing? If you are going to accept members as young as 12 then cater for that and avoid pubs. I don’t grass or tell tales on anyone but these parasites reported me to the police and threatened me with guns so I will report these parasites to the people.

This “charity” and by charity I mean corporate sponsored rip off that does nothing charitable at all to what I can see (other than a nude charity calender) are charging £20 membership and then taking kids to pubs with no permission from parents.

This sort of a charity is a piss take in my humble opinion, its a mockery of the word charity.

This charity is also charging £22 per head for a Christmas dinner, I suppose it’s worth if you’re eating a famous turkey or pheasant or whatever these toff’s eat.

Charity is now just another word for business nowadays, this “charity” was started by Alfred Charles William Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Northcliffe (15 July 1865 – 14 August 1922) he was a British newspaper and publishing magnate he was the owner of the Daily Mail and the Daily Mirror! Need I say say anymore.

Started by an over privileged snob for over privileged snobs and idiots with more money than sense.

There are also multiple instances reported by the media of drunken young farmers causing trouble, thats why young people should not be encouraged to drink ridiculous amounts of alcohol. It makes them stupid. If kids in the city were to commit some of the crimes committed by Young farmers they would be looking at prison unfortunately our society has different rules and standards for different classes of people.

This charity known as NFYFC is shocking at times below are pictures from Bedfordshire’s Young Farmers “Charity” calendar. You know you can keep your clothes on when raising money for “charity” you parasitic WEIRDOS.



Recently I have written a fair few blogs exposing a corrupt rip off charity that calls itself the National Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs or NFYFC or as I prefer the Over Privileged Federation of spoiled pricks!!!

These blogs have angered past members of Young Farmers and current members! I have been informed that one of them even read it out at a Young Farmers meeting! Thanks for reading don’t forget to share…..

These blogs actually led to Young Farmers reporting me to the police! Thank you for sharing its very much appreciated, I bet the police had a laugh reading it. These blogs also led to me threatened with guns! Don’t mess with Young Farmers they have guns I was informed. HAHAHA. I bet they failed to mention that part to the police, should I press charges? That carries up to a five year prison sentence TOSSERS and I have not threatened anyone. They have guns but no balls, I’m from Wolves and Wolves is a place where people have guns and knives and they use them for activities that does not include the shooting and skinning of animals. So if young farmers think I am going to be scared of lazy threats from Over Privileged Pricks like them they are wrong!

The manner in which they make their threats is like everything else they do pussified! They don’t contact me (my phone number is on this website and there is a comments section) they say it to a 16 year old that is misguilded enough to throw their money at these parasites, who then reluctantly inform me of their threats.

Read carefully DICKHEADS I know who you are!!! I have pictures from your Facebook accounts!!! And if you threaten me or pick on any 16 year old and I hear of it again I will get the images I have of your ugly fuckin faces and I will strategically place them all over my site along with the shit that you have been saying and then I will share it with anonymous groups all over FB! Facebook hate me so I will also use Steemit.

If you phone the police again I will report you for making threats to shoot me, understand?

If you would like to prove me wrong about the fact that you are a corrupt money grabbing charity than STFU and show us your books. How much of your massive profit goes towards real charitable causes? You’re charging £20 per year membership and then £22 for a Christmas meal, how much of that goes to the fat cats that own the “charity”??

As for young farmers lame attempts of mocking me, WTF? I have over 26000 subscribers and nearly 18 million YouTube views on just one of my channels! Not videos of me falling over, badly singing or using my kids or pets for views. But videos talking about shit that is way to deep for your tiny little minds to comprehend.

Whereas young farmers have to pay for friends, so fuck you LOSERS.

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