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RE: NFL: Quit Faking! I'm not talking about racism or slavery. It's about a man being a man!

in #nfl7 years ago (edited)

Saying THIS is not a 'reason' to protest the american Flag; Shows that you are nothing more than a modern Day White Supremacist without a Klans Hood on.

You're saying Eric Garner Deserved to be CHOKED TO Death

You're saying Travyon Martin Deserved to be MURDERDED after being STALKED by George Zimmerman

You're Saying Philando Castille DESERVED to be MURDERED in front of his Fiancee and HIS Daughter! (#heartlessDevilShit)

You're saying Mike Brown DESERVED to be SHOT TO DEATH - and that DARREN WILSONS 'version' of the story is Accurate because POLICE never lie

Even though the KILLER of Walter SCOTT was on VIDEO Planting Evidence and LYING about 'his report' - as he Initially was LET OFF for MURDERING Walter Scott and 'still might get free'

You believe Terrence Crutcher DESERVED Death!!! and BELIEVE the WHITE lady who KILLED him deserves to be FREE

Because You are a WHITE SUPREMACIST! You want white people to have the 'RIGHT" To murder blacks; and you want Blacks to LOVE America WHILE you do it!! If blacks Do NOT love being murdered, stalked, terrorized, preyed upon, then blacks NEED to leave because WHITE PEOPLE say so??

I am sorry you believe that those kinds of ideas make you a decent human being. I really am. because I can tell from how you talk; that you have been raised by others who are just as evil as you to see the world the way that you do; a world where only WHITE LIVES matter; and not black ones; where you PICK and CHOOSE when "YOU Feel" that what WE say matters; The same damn reason Dr. King Marched against INJUSTICE is why Colin TOOK a KNEE

DO you even know he GOT that advice FROM a Green Beret???

Prolly not; Yall racist white supremacist are Wholly Ignorant. That's why your Ignorance must be Combated; OR it will SPREAD and infect others; You are a Virus.

HERE is the story of how a WHITE Special Forces Green Beret GOT Colin To Go from SITTING to Kneeling 'For the anthem' -- that's right; HE GOT THE IDEA FROM A VETERAN --- you people are the worst ---

It's to "SHOW respect" for Fallen BROTHERS --- Colin is KNEELING for all the black people who have LOST THEIR LIVES at the hands of EVIL WHITE SUPREMACISTS in a nation that continues to do NOTHING about this Major issue!!


Wow! I actually READ the article and what you are saying this writer's intentions were is so far off base that I have no choice but to assume that you didn't actually even read it.
I'm sure this is a hot button topic for you but the tone of this article had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with race. It's race card pullers like YOU that actually keep racism alive in this country. So quick to call anyone and everyone a racist. Let me recap what this article is about. If you make it to the end of my comment before throwing out racist remarks at me you will understand the reason why I will not be offended. You are free to speak your mind. It's your right, so please, by all means use it. Just use it more constructively in the future. You are able to because of the men and women who came before you and fought and gave their lives so you could have that right. MEN and WOMEN, PERIOD!! Not black men or white men or black women or white women. JUST MEN AND WOMEN! See how the author never mentions or distinguishes between black and white, purple and green or anything in between. It's because the writer is OBVIOUSLY not a racist. A racist and only a racist sees a difference between black and white. When I look at these players on the ground, in their ignorant display of disrespect, I, unlike yourself, only see men kneeling. YOU are the one that sees black men or white men out there. YOU are the one differentiating and categorizing. What the writer of this amazing article was conveying to us, Quite clearly, I must add, is that this is a blatant sign of disrespect. THAT IS IT! No racist undertone. Nothing of the sort. But now, thanks to you, this has become about race when it was soley an article about patriotism. So now.... When people browse through these comments and see your slanderous uneducated finger-pointing, they are going to be showered in YOUR RACISM. The ONLY racism on this whole entire page. So thanks alot troll for soiling a great read and most importantly, for rekindling the fire that is racism in places that doesn't even exist. Or didn't exist until you came along. Have a nice day.
Amazing article by the way. I understood what you were saying. Haters are going to hate and trolls are going to troll. Welcome to the internet.

I just don't see how their message is being portrayed in a way that brings change.
It's extremely sad that so many events still take place, and I hate being associated with the evil of the world. Your assumption of me - saying I am evil and racist ... It's exactly the opposite of truth and you are wrong about me and I don't appreciate the nitpicking. You are incorrect about my intention and you're harassing me. You calling me a racist is inflammatory and I think you just don't like me. I shouldn't even be replying to such a mean and obvious attempt to troll. Grrrr.
Thanks for ruining my night.

And again if the African American community ever wants to come up with a way to share the message about the unfair violence and injustices that occur, I would be happy to brainstorm and find a way to get the message out there in a way that actually helps the situation. Instead of taking away from the potential for real change, perhaps the message would be more clearly understood if presented and shared by people other than pampered white and black NFL members. Everyone's heritage matters and everyone's suffering should stop.
That is hard to accomplish when people scream as loudly as your accusations here.

Well said! I am now regretting that I wasted my first post here poking at a person that is most likely just angry. Maybe angry for a good purpose too, I don't know. I apologize for my part in paving the detour around you very important message. Have a wonderful night.
@topnetworkeral, I hope you can find peace and let some of that anger go.
"There are two things a person should never be angry at, what they can help, and what they cannot." Plato

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