Video by Shoebat: Donald Trump Is Right, These NFL Players Who Don’t Honor The National Anthem Should Be Fired. The Left And Major Elites Are Using This Situation To Push A Violent Racist Agenda

in #nfl7 years ago (edited)

Please watch this video by Shoebat and share. The video is more than the actual title it's the kind of thinking of what it leads to. Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. The powers that shouldn't be are pushing for violent #RaceWar into Martial Law, then WWIII.
All by Design, World's A Stage.

Only knee I’ll take is around Planned Parenthood reciting the Rosary and praying the stop the Genocide on unborn babies. Willful Murder is what the powers that shouldn't be and society accepts. One of four grave sins that the heavens cry out for vengeance.
Previous post.
Article by Shoebat: Major Division Not Seen In Catholic Church For Centuries Erupts As 60 Major Catholic Cardinals, Priests, Bishops, And Laity Issue Declaration Of Heresy To Pope Francis

From what was stated in the video for those who don't want to bother watching a video.
Social Darwinist Eugenicists are rising. Eventually into National Socialism/Nationalism.
Education system only talks about Slavery and Jim Crow, not so much on Genocide with the Armenian and Holocaust Genocides.
Americans are sick and tired of racism.
Frederic Osborn and how he was member of Eugenicist society. Speech and Meeting for American Eugenicist Society in 1956. Relied on other motivations.
Claim to fight racism, in reality the powers that shouldn’t be are bringing people to racism, making one race the superior race through Nationalism. Next, breakdown of religions and present this religion as superior. Then, implement eugenics as solution for depopulation agendas 21 and 2030.

In Germany back in 2005, the youth were sick and tired of hearing about the Holocaust.
Some of them will rebel. Other countries ruled by Illuminati were all involved including the US involved with companies, finances, Rothschild’s, etc. Operation Paperclip after WWII brought the engineers and scientists.

Holocaust Industry between the 70’s to late 90’s. Milked it and eventually was dried up in early 2000’s, last successful movie referring to it was “The Pianist.” History channels stop talking about it and talked about Aliens who designed swords, pyramids, finding junk and restoring them, and other stupid things.

“Warriors is a documentary series that airs on The History Channel in the United States. The show was hosted by Terry Schappert, a sergeant in the United States Army Special Forces.[1] The show focused on historical warrior cultures, major battles, and military leaders.[2][3]”
Aired for one season on the History Channel and according the Ted Shoebat was one of the last great program, which lasted for one season. Ted spoke with him too. History channel had a meeting with discussing Season 2 and the History Channel felt there was too much history is why the second season was cancelled. All about money making business and ratings.

Reflection of society and the shift we are living in and we no longer care of extermination/eugenics. Reflection of the reality that all of this talk about the Holocaust, Racism, Industry, and the atrocities. Made in into Industry, and are evil, just like the Tower of Babel.
Dangers of the Holocaust Industry was most Holocaust documentaries don’t talk about the “Ideological Concept of Nazism” was about Eugenics and Protestantism. They reduced the image of Nazi to one single mental image. Now, it’s the demons in suits with business, politics, etc. and scientists. They took children and cut them up and call it science it’s murder!!! NWO Agenda. They saw they are doing for the cause of Darwin and Evolution. The powers that shouldn’t be don’t want to talk about the Nazi’s of today.
Sick human experiments today, tens of thousands of brains of Holocaust victims are preserved and countless eugenics experiments to this day.

Talks about “Saving Private Ryan” as the best war movie ever done.
Uplem, character in the film, a coward who doesn’t care about anyone, but himself, sees American solider about to be stabbed by German, does nothing to stop it and freezes. Until the American Air Force arrives and bombs the Germans is when Uplem does stand up and kill the German solider. What does it signify?
People who will only fight the dead Nazi. Won’t talk about the current Nazi’s and right-wing Jews such as Dennis Prager, Ben Shapiro, Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller, Milo Y....

Which Government is funding more about the Neanderthals as ancestors? Germany, competing to prove they are the superior race. Propaganda, deliberating dumbing down society. Darwinists believed those in Africa are those in lower evolution.

Max Plank Institute wants to create creation myth and want to create their own (evolution) Neanderthal religion. Those with the Neanderthal blood such as Europe and Asian, etc. are the superior people. Race theories back from the dead. Funding this research by the millions, because they want the superior genes.
Pushing Euro-Asia. Germany, Japan, and Turkey alliance. Governments are interested in Darwinist, Evolution, Eugenics.
Japan has biggest bat of 44,000 embryos in the world Kyoto University.

Only interest in making money, not preventing Genocide.
Steven Pinker, Sam Harris, atheist Jews believes Azkshenhi Jew, some Evangelicals worship Jews as superior race.
Evil doesn’t have a race. Each race pushes their own theories.
Government of France in the 1980’s wanted to recognize the Armenian Genocide. At the time, one of the head Rabbi’s in Turkey denied the Armenian Genocide. Were afraid the Armenian Genocide got enough attention in competition with the Holocaust Industry.
They promoted Nazism because they made it an Industry.
“Never Again” Slogan in reality, promoting, and advanced Nazism.

“For the Love of Money is the Root of all evil.” 1 Timothy 6:10
Ignored to talk about the powers that shouldn’t be and the reality. Most are not aware nor courage to investigate the modern-day Nazis. Ted Shoebat had to do his own homework for many weeks.
Found these Nazis support Evolution, Darwinism, Abortion, and Eugenics. The powers that shouldn’t be present themselves fighting racism, when in reality they fueling the cause and effect of as #NWOAgenda.


This is well said we are living in a crazy time and it will bring the whole world into a very dark age. The propaganda about the so-called holocaust is just a memorial pornography they want the people to fight the nazi when they are the real and only nazi today. On the top of this propaganda is the Jewish and Zionist lobby. I am originated from France and really today we can't speak of real things, propaganda is more important than facts. One friend gets a jail term of six months for saying the fact that in the Celtic time there is no such a thing as black Celtic peoples. We cannot speak about those illegal migrants who are flooding Europe. Always on the top of the civil party in a trail are the Jewish lobby and they never help in case of racism against French people. They really put the world down by design, I am so tired of this shit. Thanks

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