Good-bye NFL

in #nfl7 years ago (edited)

The msm polls in Pittsburgh tonight on tv showed that 71% of Steeler fans in Pittsburgh will be boycotting the Steeler games after all players except one decided to hide in the locker room during the national anthem. I'm one of them.

Some may view this as a big to-do about nothing or overreactive by us fans but it goes much deeper than just a game with a few insignificant players taking a knee. Or as they define it 'freedom of speech'. America has been through alot of emotional turmoil throughout Obama's presidency and this disrespecting our flag/anthem is simply the last straw from people who are tired of being maligned and our citzenry manipulated for the past 8 years. And especially tired of the fake news that there is 'systemic' racism in America. We've all seen the statistics that DISPROVE this. More whites killed by cops than blacks even though significantly more blacks commit most of the crimes. Black on black crime dwarfs cop on black crime yet we never see a knee taken for that, do we?. You can spout real facts that show this racism narrative as false but it doesn't matter. It's real in the perception of the Liberal mind and that seems to be all that matters to them & msm.

Take the NFL itself! If the problem was racism (as these lame knee taking players say it is) then how does it make sense that 'before' Kapernick leading the pack in this show of so-called freedom of speech/anti-American flag knee action began, tell me why all these now supposed racists (we NFL fans & Trump supporters) lavishly SUPPORTED all these players (75% who are black) by going to games, buying their merchandise and basically holding these players up as Gods etc which enabled them to make these million dollar salaries? We weren't bigots then but we are now?

And how can you blame Trump when he wasn't even president when Kapernick took his knee months ago which at the time ticked us off then as much as it does now? We watched as more and more BLM violence led to shootings of cops (because they were white) but the Dallas Cowboys were told NO when they wanted to express 'their' free speech in support of those fallen officers with a small sticker on their helmets. We put up with the destruction of our cities & businesses while BLM/Antifa rallies turned violent against again, this so-called police brutality 'against blacks' yet find out that the 'hands up, don't shoot' narrative (that created the protests in the first place) was a LIE! Never happened. Sure, the CRIMINAL got shot, and he was black, but the important fact that he was trying to kill the cop with the cop's own gun conveniently got magically transformed by msm into the guy was cooperating & had his arms up in compliance with the cop's orders. DIDN'T HAPPEN! This type of deciept has been going on for years now and many Americans are done with it. We could work together on issues 'if' people were honest about them and not blowing things out of proportion with political scams & lies. Problems can be solved. But not by maligning innocent people with manufactured character assasinations as has been happening.

All we're saying is that if you believe in this manufactured narrative about systemic racism the fine, go freegin picket a police station. You want to help black communities? Stop voting for DEMOCRATS whose Socialist policies have produced THE poorest, THE most crime ridden and THE worst school systems in America! You can look that fact up too. Every city in America run by Democrats is in the top failing in all aspects. We don't have a race problem. We have a Leftist policy problem!

So when you show disrespect for our flag/anthem, the symbols of our military and the freedom that those symbols represent, you are NOT standing up for unity or black lives or free speech. You are simply showing your ignorance. Trump did not create this division YOU are. And we are simply, like you feel you are doing, expressing OUR free speech in condemning you for it. You want to choose to infuse political agendas into the games in a divisive way so be it. The fans who pay your salary don't feel inclined to do so anymore.

You do it to yourselves in your cities with Leftist policies. Now you do it to yourselves with Leftist anti-American actions. Good-bye NFL. Good-bye million dollar salaries? Maybe your Democrat welfare loving buddies can throw you some bones as you stand in the unemployment lines....🤔

Oh and btw. Looks like you all caught the attention of Congress too. I hear there's a bill floating around to disallow Federal taxpayer money to pay for those wonderful stadiums. Bet cha didn't think about that one before taking the knees did you? Yep. You reap what you sow. And this you need to realize is entirely YOUR doing, not Trump's and not systemic racism. It's called Americans tired of the chaotic bullshit!


The Steelers are trying to do damage control now - saying their one player was supposed to stay in the tunnel with the others. They are cowards as far as I'm concerned.

I agree. And it makes me mad that now 'he's' the one who feels bad for coming out! Is that rediculous or what?! THEY should feel embarrassed that THEY did not come out WITH him!!!! Omg! This is always how the Left turns things uuside down. They stayed in the locker room because they are too immature to keep politics out of the game. Instead of acting like adults and honoring the flag AND THEIR TEAM MATE who served 3 tours in Iraq! Instead of banding WITH him and showing respect for our anthem together, it is now being turned around in that HE made them look bad by coming out alone. Wow

Strain at gnats and swallow camels. Kneeling has been a sign of respect and submission throughout most of human history. It was customary to kneel before royalty. Standing was considered insubordination. It is still practiced in churches e.g. kneeling before the alter. Whether kneeling or standing is a sign of respect is completely arbitrary and changes like the wind. It has no moral content. The government subsidizing the NFL at the expense of other businesses and individuals who may not voluntarily support the NFL is a different story.

Well all I know is that I'm tired of the Left redefining everything to their liking. Standing at the anthem and honoring the flag never meant only if everything in this Country was going the way you want it to go. You can have issues with a law, or feel the system is broken, and you can even feel that blacks are poor victims like many feel. It doesn't mean you get to change the meaning of our Country's most important symbols! If they have a problem with cops then go do something useful about it. How about the rest of us? We'd have been kneeling for the past 8 years with the way we disagreed with Obama and the cringe we felt about him. Hell, we'd never honor our anthem again with the institution of Obamacare that we disagree with and which 'oppresses' us...

The flag/anthem is a symbol of honoring our military and gratitude for the freedoms this Country affords us. A unity that we all once were able to share in together whether Left or Right. Same with football. A sport where it didn't matter what you're politics are because you did't talk politics. You watched a freegin game where you could bond together, have a beer together, rooting for the same team.

Infusing this bullshit disrespect for those symbols because you feel oppressed, in the freegin freest Nation on Earth is just..ludicrous. The Left ruins EVERYTHING they touch. They're ruining universities, free speech rallys, and now football. It's a shame but I'll tell you one thing. I won't cry one tear when the future children of these blm thinking ignoramouses lose out on the awesome opportunity they'd have had making millions of dollars for being a great athlete like their fathers did. They'll have no one BUT their fathers to blame as the NFL disappears. But of course they won't know this truth because they'll be taught that racist America did this to them...sigh

You seem to be stuck in the left-right Hegelian dialetic. There is more to this story than leftists unamerican rightists patriots. Ask yourself why does the federal government subsidize NFL teams in the first place. Why do state and local governments do the same? Do you even know half the stuff the government does with your money? You are being royally screwed and it isn't by leftists.

"But you must remember, my fellow-citizens, that eternal vigilance by the people is the price of liberty, and that you must pay the price if you wish to secure the blessing. It behooves you, therefore, to be watchful in your States as well as in the Federal Government." -- Andrew Jackson

I say Left/Right, which btw does include Leftist Republicans (rinos) because the establishment is about control and globalism. The Left is about giving that control and power to these estsblishment globalists and the Right is not. The Right is about 'limited' government and powers left to States and individuals.

Am I wrong?

If you think the right is about 'limited government', I've got some ocean front property to sell you in Nebraska.

Really? What do you think the Right is about. And I'm not talking Rino Right. I'm talking Trumpist Right. Trumpist Right is all about limited power.

On the basis of what first priniciple? Any restraint on government power has to be predicated on the basis of moral law. Because congress can always legislate away more freedom and the supreme court can always reinterpret the constitution to fit their agenda. So my question to you is this: is the government the ultimate purveyor of moral facts and if not is there a law or moral principle independent of and superior to the legislation of governments.

I believe all this was already discussed and decided a long time ago by our founders ergo our resulting Constitution. The problem today is that people for some reason (their belief that it's outdated, that our founders couldn't have possibly been able to fortell the future yadda yadda) people seem to feel the need to re-debate the issue of our Constitution as though the wisdom contained in it is not timeless. I believe that ANY issue today can be addressed in THE most responsive to need for solution precisely by following the rules in the Constitution. Gay rights, radical Islamic terror threat, economic stability, etc etc. This I believe to be the mindset of today's what I call Right. Not most Republicans in the Republican Party and especially not at all any Democrats in the Democratic Party. I believe those two old Parties are now one political establishment which Trump (at least as far as the Republican Party is concerned) and his supporters are slowly morphing into the new Populist Party I guess you could call it. We're not interested in conjuring up old debate on the best way to run our Nation. We already know the best known to mankind. And it's through giving the States back their power, limiting the Fed to it's 'limited' role and bam! Making America great again....;)

Social justice warrior politics are bad for business.

I know right? These owners are sooo stupid! Do they not realize that PA went red for the first time in how many years and they're allowing the players to diss Trump? Of course it's going to offend his supporters. But not only that..the hypocracy! How many times have teams wanted to show support fot this or that personal cause yet were told no. The Cowboys can't show their support for cops but Kapernick is allowed to show his 'un'-support for cops wearing pig socks? That alone is just offensive, not protesting It's basically calling all cops pigs! Omg I think it's the double standard that has most people upset. It should be either no agendas on the field or all agendas allowed on the field. When they allow only Left-wing causes and not any others it ticks people off....duh

I'm the first person who would say that police officers should be held accountable when they screw up.

Once again, the Canadian media has been spinning Kaepernick up as a hero. The pig socks were ridiculous. My wife's brother and sister in law are RCMP police officers. Do you think I would ever support someone like Kaepernick after he shows the maturity of a 15 year old by doing something like that?

Omg seriously. Did you see that beating the cops gave a 'white' guy the other day here near ppg? I posted it somewhere. If I can find it. But they blasted his head into the cement sidewalk over & over again and then punched the crap out of him. And he was trying to be a supportive citizen to help them because they were having trouble arresting someone. It was horrendous!

But yeah, there is police brutality for sure. I just don't believe it has to do with 'systemic' racism. These guys must have been so pumped up from fighting the guy they were trying to arrest that when the 2nd guy came along they went ape shit on was bad

Nah, never heard of it.

You only see a few seconds worth, but it definitely looks unnecessary. Slamming a guy's head into the ground could be fatal.

Just posted a new blog I think you'll like. Please check it out when you have time!

Ok I will. Yeah I cant even watch it. I think the cops had too much adrenaline from trying to control an uncontrollable suspect they were trying to arrest and just freegin lost it ya know?

Amen! I grew up in western PA and the Steelers were gods, while never a football nut myself. Watching clips of Ex-Steelers fans burning their jerseys was shocking. No safe space now. Soros is lurking!!!

Lol My husband is/was a die-hard fan forever! Wouldn't miss a game. Tailgater the whole 9 yards (pun intended..;). He turned the game off immediately. It's breaking his heart that his beloved Steelers did this but...America is more important ya know? We can't accept this degradation to continue unopposed. We've got a whole generation of kids learning this direspect from their heros & parents. Who's going to teach love of Country if you bail on it with every issue you dislike. There's plenty I dislike about things in our Nation. But I don't freegin dilute my appreciation & gratitude I have in being born in the freeset Nation on Earth! What are these idiots thinking?...ugh

The Official NFL rules say that players should be on the field and standing during the National Anthem or they could be suspended and fined. So the NFL is breaking it's own rules to fuel the media's fire.

I heard somewhere that those rules may be fake going around the internet. Not sure. But I listen to Rush Limbaugh all the time. He's a huge Steeler fan. I'm going to have to find a way to upload audio files (you don't happen to know if that's possible in posts do you?) He was talking about them today. He always has a good take on things.

I'm not sure if you can upload audio files or not. Something like Soundcloud?

Yeah I used soundcloud but no more limit left. I only uploaded a few but not pais subscriber so they don't allow alot of uploads

Ok you're right. Doesn't say they have to honor the flag but that they DO have to be on the sideline I do believe. Uh..wonder if they'll all get fined? NAW Did you hear what Tomlin just said? That they didn't mean disrespect to the anthem. They were just trying to stay out of the politics. Well if you wanted to stay out of the politics then they should have done what they've done since 9/11 and come out onto the sideline! The 'only' reason they didn't come out is because Tomlin KNEW that half of the team (at least) would've taken the knee. He was hiding them in the locker room, from us fans, so that we wouldn't see that. That's not staying out of the That's saving your ass from the reprocussions of not being the adult and telling your kids to shape the fuck up and show respect for the damn anthem...omg

Well said.

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Did you see where Tomlin said he was only trying to stay out of the politics? That no one meant disrespect for the anthem? I see what he's trying to say but imo the ONLY reason he wanted his players not to come out was because he knew that half of them would take a knee! And so he hid them from the fans. So let me get this straight, He was willing to completely forgo altogether, IGNORE the anthem, completely SKIP showing respect for our flag, (just as insulting imo as taking a knee) only to keep a 'perception' of his team not participating? The team participated in the politics the minute they stayed in the locker room! Not participating in the politics would have been acting like an adult in the room and telling your overgrown babies to get their asses out on the side line, show respect for the dam anthem AND DON'T BRING POLITICS INTO IT!. And anyone who takes a knee will be bringing politics into it. And whoever takes a knee will be reprimanded....duh He even said he wanted to 'protect' his player. Protect the players? From what? From freegin showing the fans how ignorant they are when half of them would have taken the knee. Wow. It's amazing how they twist shit around.

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