Predictions for tomorrow's football games...

in #nfl7 years ago (edited)

Patriots v Jaguars

Tom Brady enhances his legacy and wins it 20-13.

Eagles v Vikings

Nick Foles fights valiantly but it just isn't enough.

I see 1 INT and an otherwise solid game, probably with at least 1 TD, and a lot of grit.

I had started to bet on Philadelphia. I just made a micro-sized bet (I was going to bet moneyline and also each of all the point spreads offered, just a small bet on each), and it didn't feel right. So I stopped.

I actually kind of want to retrace it and bet Minnesota (which is annoying because then you pay vig twice.. but it's better to correct a mistake then let it stand). But I don't want to have action against Nick Foles. That just doesn't seem kosher.

Tin Foil Hat

With the Super Bowl being played in Minnesota, I feel like to whatever extent the outcomes are rigged or influenced from above, there's probably some sort of feeling one way or another whether they want Minnesota to have a home-game Superbowl.

Either it's cool and attracts ratings, or the league feels like it's weird and out of step. I don't know. But they probably have some opinion.

The Saints guy missing the tackle pretty wildly on the last play...

I guess makes me feel like it's a better guess that it's influenced in their favor.

Maybe the Eagles can overcome it, or just aren't as corruptible, but I'll say 16-13 Vikings.

Good luck to everyone.


Well 1 out of 2 aint bad for the prediction business. : ) If there was a conspiracy, it was to keep the Jags out. The Patriots only had 1 penalty called which I believe is the fewest for a team since the 2011 playoffs. Given how flag happy the NFL has gotten since 2011, it's not good look. But it wasn't just the flags, it looks like Myles Jack got robbed on a scoop and score as well. I'm not saying the games are scripted, but given the scandal we saw in the NBA a decade ago, it's fair to ask whether the refs have their "thumbs on the game" and whether they try to push it a certain direction.

I pretty strongly assume the games are influenced somehow. It's just, how could they not be? With all the money at stake (either by gambling on it, or just the business of running the NFL and wanting it to be an exciting product), it's really hard to believe people are just sitting on their hands without pulling at it to get the outcomes and storylines that they want.

How much control they have.. like on the spectrum from scripted to just subtly influenced, no idea really. I tend to assume closer to "influenced", like that it's always uncertain and the players go out there and play. But who knows, seems possible to have really strong control too, once it evolves to where you have enough people in the right places.

I'm not sure about things like the 1 penalty called, and the PI call and stuff like that. I mean it's possible to just play a clean game and legitimately not commit many penalties, right?

In general I feel like they'd want to fix the games by doing things that aren't so visible to the naked eye of most fans. Like if you call the game a certain way where one team comes to understand there are certain things they can do with their hands that they're getting away with, or something like that. Or you steal the headset feeds from one team and figure a way to give the other team certain play calls, or whatever.

Seems like you actually have more control that way and also are more under the radar. There are only so many high leverage situations, and often none with a borderline call to be made.. so if there's any meaningful rigging going on, I'd assume it's evolved to be happening in ways that we don't necessarily notice

Which isn't to say they don't seize the opportunity when the high leverage moments come up.. they probably way prefer not to, because they want games to appear to be officiated correctly, but maybe bite in certain spots when it's important enough.. I could see the Myles Jack thing being one of those spots (could just be a bad whistle too, but ya)

Pretty wild how high leverage that spot is, with or without a conspiracy

Also give the GOAT full credit for getting it, since it was pretty unlucky that his guy fumbled there in the first place

I just want to clarifiy, The GOAT gets FULL credit for getting it done. I also don't believe the game was rigged, I just meant, IF if was going to be rigged, it would be done through calling and not calling holding calls (offensive and defensive) and it would be hard for us to ever know. And doing it that way, you still couldnt' rig a blow out.

But I don't think the NFL would do that. The Refs actually have their own union (and went on strike recently, I'll never forget Fail Mary). Not only that, but the ref Union includes major college football refs. So I don't think the NFL would ever give the refs those kinds of duties (fixing games). It's just too much dirt and leverage for the refs to have against the league.

Plus refs are rewarded by getting to officiate post season games. There is a competitive nature to refereeing and I just don't think the NFL could plot anything out with them. That's just my opinion.

Brady and Bellichick found a way to pull it out. They don't always pull it out (2 SB losses), but they pull it out more than anyone else who has ever played and coached in this league for that they deserve all the accolades.

Oh for sure, I know you weren't detracting from the great one! I just felt the need to clarify that I still give him full credit, since I was entertaining the chance of the game being rigged or influenced!

Ya, it probably could be hard to coordinate a massive plot to control the outcomes.

There could still be "rigging" in isolated stretches, like any time an individual referee or group of referees becomes corrupt or bribed by the right people or who knows what.

I mostly take it with a grain of salt, and enjoy what the athletes do, and mostly assume it's legit competition with the possibility of people tugging at it under the radar to whatever extent they're able to get away with it.. which maybe is really infrequently. (And even then it's still pure competition.. just more like Mario Kart with the occasional obstacles and this and that rather than Indy cars hehe)

24-20 Patriots ftw - darn close on that call. Certainly was a good game.

I know what you mean - it just feels like a Vikings home game is in order for the Super Bowl.

What a game!!! I feel like the GOAT got GOATer.

I won friend jaguars + 10 :)

nice work! you shoulda bet Patriots moneyline too :p

Tom Brady enhances his legacy and wins it 20-13.

Yessir! Hope so too. And I hope Nick Foles win; rigging or no rigging! It sure would help the ratings to have Minnesota at home for the super bowl, though.

In other words, you like the unders in both games.

I guess so!! Not sure what the over/under was in the Patriots game, but 44 probably would have been under I guess.. prob right around there? I didn't bet that tho obv, just put my trust in Brady and bet Pats moneyline.

46 and 39 were the totals this morning at my book FYI

nice prediction, am inclined to give it to the eagles, we will see about it by tommorrow. hope am right.

ya, I hope you're right! I do have that little bet on them at the end of the day so certainly rooting for them

My pick New England Patriots vs Jacksonville, Jaguars Asiatic handicap +10

Great post! Come with me!

where are we headed?

Nice game play

I just saw that title and the first picture of Tom Brady. I think .........
Wah....... Tom Brady joins the football.
How can I describe his roll in football..? A attacking midfielder?

typically it's good to just accept that different words can mean different things to different people and cultures .. I blog in mine not in yours lol

the whole "that game shouldn't be called football" thing is weird imo, and actually pretty self-centered

Hey don't take it serious.. I know you are a good critic and also a fan of rugby. I am just kidding. I think you will get it.

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