Benefits of a market.

in #nextcolony5 years ago


Greetings, my dear colonists. It's not the same a store as a market, we have an excellent store where we can get plans, chests, Runes and if things that help us produce, very well, I like it and is excellent the game store, has great items that help produce much more, there everything is perfect, but there is the but! what do we do with what we produce if it is a game where you must earn some income either to invest in items in the store that as we know will help produce more, or if we want for example to recover some of the invested. For no one is a secret that all games that work in steemit are based on winning, should be to win, ie: win the creators of the game and those who invest more in the game, whether time or STEEM. Here is where enters a market that floats in a bubble of the game, and the one that must handle the creators, because they are the referee for the transactions, in addition they must win something of that market so that it helps to improve the game and to its maintenance (See examples of other games in steemit) a game in this platform without income loses its attractiveness, let's be clear and stop lying, we want to win something, everybody must win and the things work, besides having fun, what happens if we don't have market? Because players are coming out and the game loses interest, the players who stay is because they are trapped: they have invested a lot of money or time to get out and they keep the hope of recovering something or that someday the game starts to be what it should be "profitable" When a market is opened something else happens that is very important, the same market is stabilized with the supply and demand, new players can buy ships and balance forces against enemies, buy one or another planet and enters investment, the big manufacturers need to improve their production and go for things from the shop and enters the game income, in addition to the percentage they charge for market transactions.
Let's be honest, the rewards are a ... they will not be equitable and even less that everyone will receive, until they see how it will create chaos or imbalance in the game, everything and that provides some emotion after a while without looking at a goal, but what will happen when those resources run out? what will the creators do? they see more questions that come out than a real solution, although I am not an expert in the field and the truth is only a peasant, mine is horses, livestock and crops, I look to come. Here they have a great game that is being lost for lack of I don't know what, I don't have the right word for it, but I think it is MARKET, where we can all win and bring new players, investment and a joint effort on the part of all the players that we are mounted in the ship and that if it succumbs, we will lose a lot, I haven't invested a lot of money that is said, but I have been believing in this game for about 5 months, and I hope it goes forward for the welfare of all of us who have believed. Sometimes I start to think, here sitting in my armchair, where I spend hours dedicated to the game and analyze what happens to the creators, will be that they fear losing control with a market? I think they will not lose it, on the contrary, they will have it and also provide additional income, because they will see a shower of shoppers in their store by more planes. Although nobody knows me and when you look at my account, just think this is a crazy, is nobody in the game, believe that I know what I say, or at least I have a good idea, I have spent thousands of hours sitting in front of this game (Next Colony) so sometimes appearances deceive.

Image of the previous publication

If you want to play one of the best games in the universe, here you have the address: Next Colony

@willsaldeno Next Colony gamer.

All images: Souse Next Colony game screen shot, all copyrights of the images are recognized to the Next.

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