
Haha, right right. Well I guess that diatribe was supposed to make us forget Hillary's Tenure at the state department supplying Russia with 1/5 of U.S. uranium supplies, or maybe the Clinton foundation being used as a pay for play program selling our country out, or maybe we ought to forget her smashing hard drives with a hammer AFTER a congressional subpeona, yeah you've got all your info settled perfectly. Hilarious, you're still stuck in the past thinking anyone who disagrees with progressivism (communism) must watch fox news.

😂 I can't even. Trump is a moron and ya'll still trying to blame shit on someone who lost the election. Hey, why is it that no one ever has any conspiracies about republicans?

Haha well those aren't conspiracies, you guys are in such a circle jerk defensively flailing anytime someone brings up liberal improprieties, you can't even think further. Keep it up, its working really well for the "party".

You say "party" but didnt they sell out of 1984 like 2 months into Trumps term? Lol sheeple

Nice nice, isn't 1984 about extremist centralization, kinda like Obamacare or his ministry of truth (we just went over this read my original post, lil slow aint we)? Sounds like modern "liberalism" or should we call it neo-fuedalism? You want a centralized power structure that oppresses people who disagree with "mainstream" beliefs, silenced speech, financial oppression of those who speak against it, prison for those that disagree. You're the one who wants 1984 to exist, do you seriously not see it?

Haha lol. No, the book very accurately depicts what is taking place right now by teabillies. Yeah next you will tell me what a hero Alex Jones is huh? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

You haven't read the book. It's about socialism... Kind of like your dreamland Venezuela.

Alex Jones never mentions the Protocols of Zion or the powers behind the federal reserve or AIPAC. I can say that as a Conservative:))) There's nothing conservative about war! I'm a Republican, there's no other party for me, the left is liberal Marxism, there's no center - by design, I might add! We have to stop marching to the Left/Right false paradigm.

It is a false paradigm, just a tool for control. People all divide out into "tribal" groups and blindly defend it without even understaning it. Most people have no idea what is going on. Im not party affiliated, I just want increased individual rights, low taxation, detachment from "the state", I don't want/need anything from the government and I shouldn't be forced beyond my will to support others through govt programs. That's all. I couldn't care less for political figures, or their affiliations, if they want control of me they're my enemy. Republicans blew it for not repealing Obamacare, what a bunch of liars and the dems are just a bunch of crooks strip mining the poor through these "programs".

Do you follow the X22 Financial and Geopolitical report? It's on Steemit and Youtube, every night except Saturdays. Cheers!

Never heard of it. I'm down for new information wherever I can find it. Ill check it out! Whats the steem address?

How sad indeed it is that those fascists on the far left can do or say ANYTHING and far too many tools will eagerly line up & defend them while venting their phony myopic outrage at 'the other side'. I guess hypocrisy IS a pretty damn good mindset isn't it?

Piccata? Titicaca! I am Cornholio! I need piccata for my bunghole!

who said anything about Fox News other than you?

predictability. Lol, just a shot in the dark. You got Rush set on the radio dial?

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