Nancy Pelosi complains

in #newzleakz7 years ago

Trump not visiting countries in alphabetical order

Has Nancy Pelosi completely lost her mind? Or does she just have to complain about everything President Trump does?

During a press briefing on Thursday, the House Minority Leader criticized the president’s choice of visiting Saudi Arabia first during his inaugural foreign trip.

“I thought it was unusual for the President of the United States to go to Saudi Arabia first. Saudi Arabia!” Pelosi said.

“It wasn’t even alphabetical. I mean, Saudi Arabia.”

The Democrat leader contrasted Trump’s visit with George W. Bush first visiting Mexico, and Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama visiting Canada first.

“Our friends and neighbors,” she said. “What was the decision-making process to go to Saudi Arabia first? That is a question that I have,” she said.

If Trump were to begin visiting foreign countries by alphabetical order, he would first visit Afghanistan, followed by Albania, Algeria, Andorra and Angola.

Is Nancy Pelosi really advocating for a Sesame Street strategy to boost foreign relations?

see the video, she really said that


Nancy Pelosi is completely shot out. She couldn't even get a job as a news anchor with her constant slippling and sliding. Only a completely corrupt system could prop up a scam like this. She is a career politician suddenly got rich by doing inside deals in government. If the US is so dumbed down to elect this woman into a position of leadership as well as Mccain, Shumer, lindsey graham, etc. then I would say crypto has emerged at a perfect time for Americans to bail out of this shit. Once crypto reaches its true value we will have enough wealth to get economic citizenship somewhere. Pelosi proves the system is broken beyond repair and it is time to bail out.

it's kinda hard to argue with you.
as a start we should do a 'whole lot of repealing'
"for every new law...repeal four'..
huh...seems I heard someone else say that...wonder who?

Nancy Pelosi was so adamant that Trump didn't have a snowball's chance in Hell to become our Commander In Chief. LMAO.


She is totally wigged out! Time to go to the pasture Nancy!

that's true.

I thought you might enjoy that one...I use it on twitter a lot for Botox Barbie stories.

But Americans voted her.

Californians....and considering how lax they are with their voting laws..
did they really?

How would she know???

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