As Trump's Ratings Hit Record Low,steemCreated with Sketch.

in #newzleakz7 years ago

He's Still More Popular Than Hillary
--from the article--
Clinton has always been a polarizing figure, but support for the former secretary of state has fallen even among those who supported her in November…perhaps because they blame her for treating the presidency as a right, not a privilege, rigging the primary against her opponent, the more-popular Bernie Sanders and – most importantly – losing to Trump.


Hillary confused people a little. Maybe a lot. Democrats were like, OK but why is she hanging around with all these rich people? And Never Trump Republicans were like, in the end maybe, sure never Trump but never never HRC.

Because she still "officially" aligned herself very much with the traditional democrat stances on all the big issues, old and new, like immigration etc. She had to right? Because she is a Democrat.

A wall street democrat maybe? But still a democrat. Maybe she was trying to appeal to Reagan Democrats... and assumed that she had the non Reagan democrats in the bag.

Which she may have had because according to Naomi Klein's new book she get 2.9 million more votes than Trump in the election.

she didn't get 2.9million more votes.
those were all fraudulant..
and even if they weren't..they were all in california anyway...and she had already won in they didn't matter...

IF they were legit.
which they weren't.

If daffy duck had run as a democrat,
he would be president right now.
Trump didn't win...Hilliary lost.
Hillary is the most hated female in the country, second only to Hanoi Jane.

I saw that in the Yahoo news tonight and it didn't surprise me at all. The Democrats could have chosen just about any other person as their candidate, and that person would have been more popular than she was. The blatant rigging that the DNC did to get shillary nominated shows just how unpopular she was with the voters.

Trump didn't win
The Hildebeast lost.
Crotch Rot is more popular than she is.

I can't argue with that! :-)

hahhahhahhahahhhahahh love it.

Clinton is a dirty dog and really needs to be put to sleep.

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