According to Hillary, a key life lesson that should be learned from "1984",

in #newzleakz7 years ago (edited)

is that we should trust and rely on the press.


The poor old thing HAS been having a lot of trouble with her memory..

*Of course, after reading that passage above, one can only come to one of two conclusions: i) Hillary has never read 1984 (best case) or ii) Hillary's powers of self-delusion are far greater than anyone ever imagined (worst case).

In other News

Hillary Clinton and What Happened to the Nature of Woman

  • Women don’t want to be independent. That is what everything from What Happened to safe spaces to microaggressions to the rape crisis is all about. Women want to be able to blame everyone else for What Happened, and they don’t really want to be independent and responsible.

Hillary Clinton demonstrates 'alternate nostril breathing' during CNN interview

  • "I would highly recommend it," Clinton started. "You are supposed to shut your eyes -- I don't want to shut my eyes on national television -- but you do hold [your nostril] and breathe through one, and you hold it and then you exhale to the other and you keep going."

We definitely dodged a bullet
poor old gal is senile


What an idiot

her and Nancy Pelosci..twins...separated at birth.

To assume a birthing process took place, is far too presumptuous, in my opinion

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You know, it REALLY says something about the people who still seem to hold this blatant example of public corruption as someone to be admired & revered. I guess if one empties one's heart & mind of anything resembling deceny, integrity & honesty, she WOULD be a good role model. How sad indeed.

insane you mean?

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