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RE: The Tie That Binds The Terrorists Together

in #newzleakz7 years ago

Well the video I saw was of some nasty Alt-Right nut job driving his car into a crowd of "leftist" protestors, killing one woman and injuring several others. That seemed like an act of "terrorism" to me.


the mean the crowd filled with folks wearing helmets and carrying clubs? that crowd? the same crowd that has been assaulting people in the street for a year now? LOL @ gullible fools and propgandists

alt-right isn't "right" in any sense...they are just another flavor of socialist.
fun fact...the word 'nazi' means 'national socialist'.

Seriously? I don't think you actually understand what the word "socialist" means. Maybe you need to read Marx or Engels, rather than just read the papers or watch CNN or Fox. I am well aware of what Nazi means, but the use of the word "socialism" was propaganda used to confuse the masses and sweep up potential communist voters. The Nazis were never actually socialist. Never... and the alt-right in the USA are the opposite of socialist. They are xenophobes, anti-semites and fascists.

riiiight...just keep telling your self that.
In the end it doesn't matter.
those who don't ZAP are my enemy.

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