WoW censorship by ISPs in New Zealand...

in #newzealand6 years ago

I mean what the fuck, why can't I read,listen, watch or see what ever I want? Can't I research for MYSELF and come to my OWN conclusion? Or I am just a cattle herded toward softkill by people dumber than I, who themselves for profit are creating hell on earth? anyway... it was dust, it will be dust, but still not funny.

According to retired FBI supervisory special agent Steve Moore, a CNN analyst: "What I would tell the public is this: Do you want to help terrorists? Because if you do, sharing this video is exactly how you do it," adding "Do not share the video or you are part of this"

what's the postal address of WTC7, please? this type of domestic enemies parading as patriot while sucking tax payer money are quite a nuisance to a modern society.

quick recap of the manifesto (

  1. falling birthrates of eurocausian by design by TPTB
  2. population increasing due to population replacements by invaders.
  3. complete racial and cultural extermination of the eurocaucasian.
  4. projection in 2100 (just lol... too many fukushima until there to even think to think about it).
  5. white genocide...
  6. hedonistic nihilistic individualism root cause.
  7. solution deportation...

then it's a Q&A with himself...

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