
I did learn that some of what I said actually did apply in this case.

He had names of other shooters written on his rifle. So he was an admirer of past mass shooters. He did it to become a sensation. Sure he had a manifesto as well, but the fame/infamy was definitely a factor.

I'm not convinced he wanted to become personally famous after having read his manifesto. I think he wants his ideology to be accomplished above all else. If you read the manifesto you will see what he wants as the outcome of his actions.

I read the manifesto. It looks like it was intentionally designed to evoke specific reactions. It is clear the guy was intelligent.

Yet I also read what he wrote on his gun.

That says he was seeking fame. It kind of reminded me of the up and coming serial killers in the 1996 movie The Frighteners where the guy and his girl friend were talking about different serial killers and how many kills they had as like a scoreboard. They were trying to get high score. The movie was good.

The reality of this mass shooting is not.

This is my greatest fear, no one wins in these ideological war, just innocent blood flowing from country to country... It would be extremely difficult to contain if these spur on other fanatics, all it takes a one little screw in your head to go off and with the ease of getting 'tools' in some of these countries, it could strike in waves

This event was well planned and calculated, I believe it was group coordinted, from today's date to the country of choice, it can't just be coincidence. It is important to get to know his circle because these are the kind of events that shape geo-politics and the interest groups have enough here to work with...

If it is indeed coordinated, then they would strike another open society and country with somewhat neutral base but with some dissatisfaction

Racism in my opinion fits in the category of religion, yet when people are willing to kill or die for their beliefs then it becomes extremism. Racial extremism is something that some psychologists want to see classified as a mental illness. Perhaps all kinds of extremism can be classified as a mental illness if a person is willing to sacrifice lives in pursuit of their political, ideological, or religious objectives. Activism is done with respect for human rights.


In my opinion, yes it does appear coordinated but I don't have access to the evidence or data (which ought to be classified anyway) to know for sure. It seems coordinated because it's too well planned, not just the violence, but the manifesto is as well, and the use of social media.

It's as well planned as an Al Qaeda or ISIS attack would be and we know those typically are coordinated.
And the person who committed the act according to what I'm seeing in the news was not on any sort of watch list.


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